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Business :: Math & Scientific Tools
img Calculations of straight max. three times static indefinite beams with constant axis-symmetrical profiles. Simple definition of the beam type, 40 types of cross sections, graphic illustration of the moment, stress, deflection and bending angle. Application is developed in MS Excel, is multi-language and supports Imperial and Metric units. The application includes also a table of materials and a table of area characteristics of W, S, C, L.
Windows | Shareware
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img Ten Thousand Dice - A Game of Temptation and Chance for up to 6 players. The game is played with six dice, and is a race to score at least 10,000 points. You can play with any combination of human or computer players, and with the registered version, remote network players. To win you will need equal parts strategy, luck, and guts, but any way you play you are sure to have fun and post a few stats to the -Awards- board.
Windows | Shareware
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