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N5 Net Software Repository

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Submit Or Update Software

We only accept PAD submissions. To find out more about the PAD File specification click here. We spider our entire database every 10-20 days roughly, if your software is already in our database you can use this form to force an update.

Submission Policy:
We accept software submitted by Authors or their authorized agents. You should consider these guidelines as well when building a pad file:
the most popular pad URL format is: http://www.yoursite.com/pad/program-name.xml

  • don't include the version in the pad file URL
  • don't change the pad file URL
  • include as much information as possible in the PAD file
  • create separate pads for each edition: FREE, PRO, BUSINESS, etc.
  • include the OS in the program name if you have different pads for different OS (Example: Video Converter for Windows 1.02, Video Converter for Mac 1.01)
  • when using RegNow, enter the exact program name there as well
  • adult related programs, including screensavers, are not accepted
  • download file must be virus/trojan free
  • download links/site must be accessible at all times
  • only files submitted online and from this form will be considered
  • our editors reserve the right to refuse or edit submitted data for correctness and/or content without notice

We accept submissions using only the PAD format designed by the Association of Software Professionals.

PADfile URL:

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Please Enter The Following Text: ^Fv?Ve