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Development :: Components & Libraries
img dotConnect for MySQL is a high-performance ADO.NET data provider that grants simple access to MySQL and MariaDB databases when developing MySQL-based applications. It fully supports Entity Framework (EF Core), Dapper, and NHibernate, along with a wide range of MySQL-specific features, such as secure SSL and SSH connections, embedded servers, compression protocol, HTTP tunneling, and others.
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Components & Libraries
img dotConnect for Oracle is a versatile, high-performance .NET connector that offers direct access to Oracle Database with no need for Oracle Client. It fully complies with ADO.NET standards, supports advanced ORM with Entity Framework and LinqConnect, and ensures optimal application performance through intelligent fetch and batch processing.
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Components & Libraries
img dotConnect for PostgreSQL is a high-performance ADO.NET data provider that grants simple access to PostgreSQL databases when developing PostgreSQL-based applications. It fully supports Entity Framework (EF Core), Dapper, and NHibernate, along with a wide range of PostgreSQL-specific features, such as secure SSL connections, PostgreSQL notifications, PostgreSQL bulk data loading, GEOMETRY, PostgreSQL ARRAY types, and others.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Math & Scientific Tools
img SEVENPAR is a tool for the calculation of highly exact transformation parameters for the Spatial Helmert and Molodensky Transformation, which make possible precise coordinate transformations from one reference system into another. The determined transformation parameters can be entered directly into suitable transformation software, e.g. TRANSDAT Coordinate Transformations, or into the calculation software of GPS receivers.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Math & Scientific Tools
img TRANSDATpro Coordinate Transformation supports thousands of coordinate systems and geodetic datum shifts, user-defined systems, INSPIRE, NTv2, NAD, HARN, EPSG, GPS, continental drift, Text, CSV, Arc-Shape, KML, GPX and other file systems with highest accuracy. Outdoor GPS reception, mapping in Google Earth, Google Maps and OpenStreetMap, Meridian Convergence and Extra Parameter, Polygonal scopes in NTv2 files, multilingual user interface.
Windows | Shareware
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