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System Utilities :: Clipboard Tools
img TwinkiePaste is the utility to quickly typing commonly used text, dates, greetings, standard responses, Internet URLs, logins and passwords, code templates. TwinkiePaste helps to quickly type text in almost any application, thus saving a lot of time and saving you from routine. Find the selected text fragment on the Internet, translate it using Google Translate, email it: all of this can be quickly and conveniently done using TwinkiePaste.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Clipboard Tools
img WinPaster allows to quickly paste a text, graphical or other type of data, prepared beforehand, into any application, using clipboard. WinPaster is loaded into a tray and can be invoked at any moment by clicking on hot keys, or by clicking with a mouse on the icon. In the displayed list, it will be necessary to select a needed record and press Enter.Another way is using keystrokes and hot keys for quick access to needed records.
Windows | Shareware
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