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Audio & Multimedia :: Other
img This software offers a solution to users who want to increase or decrease the volume in Windows quickly using the keyboard. By default, to increase the volume you press Ctrl+Shift+Q but you can select which shortcut you want to use. This application sits in the system tray at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Windows | Shareware
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Games & Entertainment :: Puzzle & Word Games
img Jumble Key definitively solves Word Jumble puzzles and Crossword puzzles. It is a powerful program, yet is quick and easy to use. Given a letter pattern, it checks all possible letter combinations with its built in dictionary and returns all valid words that it finds. If you are trying to solve or create these kinds of word puzzles, or any other related word problems, then this program will be an invaluable resource for you.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Other
img A key and mouse button remapper with an ability to assign the following actions to regular, long and sequential key presses and key combinations: show an actions menu, paste text, launch a program, open a file/folder, open a web page, press/block a key, key combination, mouse button, rotate the mouse wheel, create a new email, manage windows, manage the computer's sound and power settings, manager the monitor's power settings and much more.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img KeyBlaze typing tutor software program designed to assist with learning how to speed type and touch type. KeyBlaze allows you to start with basic lessons such as Home Keys for index, middle and pinky fingers and practice lessons including poetry, prose and drills. KeyBlaze also features typing tests with durations from 1 to 20 minutes.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img KeyBlaze typing tutor software program designed to assist with learning how to speed type and touch type. KeyBlaze allows you to start with basic lessons such as Home Keys for index, middle and pinky fingers and practice lessons including poetry, prose and drills. KeyBlaze also features typing tests with durations from 1 to 20 minutes.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img KeyBlaze typing tutor software is a completely free way to learn how to type, designed to assist with learning how to speed type and touch type. The software allows you to start with basic lessons such as Home Keys for index, middle and pinky fingers and practice lessons including poetry, prose and drills. KeyBlaze also features typing tests with durations from 1 to 20 minutes.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Text/Document Editors
img The main boost option is automatic replacement text in any program to your phrases by your short keys (short keywords). Just type your short key, for example "link1", and this text will be automatic replace to your text, for example "http://wwww.sarbash.com", which you can add to this short key in KeyBooster.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Other
img KeyboardStateView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the current state and virtual key code of every key you press. It also allows you to view the current state of all keyboard keys. For every key, the following information is displayed: Key Name (VK_XXXX ), Description, Key Code (Decimal), Key Code (Hexadecimal), Key Pressed Status, Key Toggled Status (Useful for Num Lock, Caps Lock), and last time that the key was pressed.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Other
img KeyboardTest is an easy to use Windows based application that allows users to quickly check that all the keys on their computer keyboard are functioning correctly and look at the internal scan codes being generated by the keyboard. The down and up stroke of each key is registered and highlighted on a graphical image of a keyboard. Each time a key is pressed a variety of state information is updated in the window.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
img Automate your daily tasks now and define your own hotkeys with KeyCtrl. Increase your productivity and minimize time spent with the right keyboard shortcuts!
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools
img KeyScrambler Personal is an anti-keylogging program that protects your browser from keyloggers. It defeats keyloggers by encrypting your keystrokes at the keyboard driver level, deep within the operating system. When the encrypted keystrokes reach your browser, KeyScrambler then decrypts them so you see exactly the keys you've typed. Keyloggers can only record the encrypted keys, which are completely indecipherable.
Windows | Freeware
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