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img The CatMV program is a realization of the "Caterpillar"-SSA method for analysis of time series, which may contain missing values. The implemented algorithms result in extraction of additive components of time series such as trends and periodic components, with simultaneous filling in the missing data (if any). The program is able to perform forecasting if to add missing values after the last point of the time series.
Windows | Shareware
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Desktop :: Clocks & Alarms
img EarthSunX is a small program that will display valuable information related to time and date all over the earth (a day/night world map) in a very pleasant / relaxing way and without taking any valuable desktop space or a lot of resources - yet being always less than one mouse move (or hotkey) away!!! Also it will show the precise time and day in a number of user-selected cities. Now with 'live' clouds (from internet-based satellite data).
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img The database contain geodata of the Federal Republic of Germany with geo referenced towns, municipalities, town quarters, administrative units, postal codes, telephone preselections, nature areas, landscapes, climatic zones. The data contain coordinates for navigation and geo-coding, proximity searches, distance computations and for mapping of landscape information. It is possible to assign a variety of nature and scenic information to each town.
Windows | Data Only
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ORTWIN 21.04

Business :: Databases & Tools
img ORTWIN is a program for the inquiry of localities, postal codes and telephone selections in Germany. It finds coordinates and ground level elevations, municipal codes, local center points, car license codes, topographic maps, Unlocodes and much more. It arranges localities hierarchically in different administrative units. It performs perimeter searches and distance calculations. It finds landscapes, natural units and snow- and wind load zones.
Windows | Shareware
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