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Search: auto numbering
Business :: Databases & Tools
For Companies with own applications: Automobile industry Dictionary, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories TM) , companies with own applications...
Windows | Data Only
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System Utilities :: Launchers & Task Managers
Quickly and easily create professional AutoRun menus for your CD/DVDs. Create menus using ready made graphics or use your own. You can launch files; install software; display a license agreement; display a splash screen and/or sound; open websites; send e-mail and secure the contents of the CD. Includes a help manual, technical support and powerful wizards. Test your AutoRun as you build and burn finished projects.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Multimedia Creation Tools
AutoRun Pro is a powerful visual tool to create attractive and professional autorun menu for your CD, DVD and USB sticks in a WYSIWYG environment. One of the features which makes AutoRun Pro so quick and easy to work with is the included library of ready-to-use form templates and object templates. AutoRun Pro can even directly burn your autorun CDs or create ISO CD image files without any need for external CD burning software.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Presentation Tools
AutoRun Pro Enterprise is a complete rapid application development (RAD) tool to create interactive multimedia applications, attractive and professional autorun CD menus and publish your presentations, documents, files and software on portable media such as CDs, DVDs and USB sticks.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
Autorun USB Helper sits in the background and monitors the system for all new USB sticks connected to it. Once it detects a new USB drive it scans it for any autorun program on it and executes it thus emulating autorun feature that was disabled on Windows 7 for USB devices for security purposes. At the same time, the safety of the operation and authenticity of the executed file is guaranteed by strong checksum testing and the built-in white list.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Multimedia Creation Tools
AutoRun Wizard allows you to configure the tasks that occur automatically when a CD/DVD is inserted into the CD/DVD drive. AutoRun Wizard takes advantage of the existing functionality within the Windows autorun.inf file and builds off of it. We support the option to run any file. For example you could run a pdf and html file as your autorun, or you can launch to a website or automatically use explorer to browse the root of the drive.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Converters & Optimizers
Autoshaper allows to import, export and convert between 3D solid modelling file formats with smooth Nurbs shapes as a native Windows software. It supports many of 3D file extensions including 3DM, STEP , IGES, BREP and IFC. It allows also to import and reconstruct nurbs surface from triangle mesh file formats including SKP, OBJ, OFF, STL, 3DS, PLY, DAE, VRML and point clouds from ASC or XYZ files.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
Barcodes provide a simple way to transfer data from the outside world into your app. Employees may decode the information from the printed barcode label using specialized barcode scanners. Barcode scanners perform the scanning process and enable computer systems' data extraction from barcode labels. Nowadays, the majority of stock management and monitoring is done via linear or 2D barcodes. Barcode reduces human error.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Converters & Optimizers
Enhance all your digital images at once! This program can correct contrast and restore natural colors of multiple images automatically. Now it is very easy to correct shots taken in poor lighting, at sunset, under fluorescent lights, etc. The program uses a wizard-style approach that guides the user through the image correction process and makes it fast and simple. Check out this free tool from VicMan Software - the leader of image enhancement.
Windows | Freeware
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Graphic Apps :: CAD
{ Cadig AutoTable 3.0 } is designed to provide BricsCAD users a more convenient way working together with BricsCAD and Excel. We then can import Excel spreadsheet to BricsCAD and modify it with Excel at anytime. Besides, you can update table in BricsCAD to synchronize it with the original Excel spreadsheet. == ==
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Management & Distribution
R2build system is a tool/framework to establish your daily build(or nightly build, or build automation, or continuous integration system) in a very easy way . It includes, but is not limited to, plug-ins for email notification, FTP, various installer packaging tool, Java/C++/Ant/Nant/.Net/Delphi/C++Builder, and various source control tools.
Windows | Freeware
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