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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
img DShutdown is a stand-alone program that let you schedule the shutdown and the wake up of a local or remote PC. Supports, beyond classical shutdown options, also a series of particular options, and relating monitor functions as the option to shutdown a PC when an application terminate or as the option to shutdown a PC when Internet traffic reduces itself under a particular value for a given amount of time.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Remote Computing
img Remote Desktop Assistant is a wrapper for Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection and OpenSSH. It creates RDP configuration files and utilizes the Remote Desktop Client, allowing to configure more RDP file parameters. Also, the application utilizes Windows built-in OpenSSH client and allows to insert auto-password and start-up commands. Manages multiple connection. Combines the features of ping and port monitor, and Wake-On-LAN magic packet sender.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Remote Computing
img If physical host machine has not enough resources or performance to keep every virtual machine running the solution is to start virtual machines only when needed. Wake-On-LAN Virtual Machine implements the Wake-On-LAN computer networking standard to turn on virtual machines. It supports Microsoft Hyper-V, Windows Virtual PC, Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, Oracle VM VirtualBox, VMware Server, VMware Workstation, VMware Player and Parallels Workstation
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img Desktop Central's Free Windows Admin Tools offers 14 exciting tools to ease your day-to-day desktop management activities such as, tracking software and hardware inventory details, working remotely with task manager, performing remote shutdown/restart actions, working with remote command prompt, and lots more.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img Coffee_FF is a lightweight and simple tool, designed to keep your computer awake when network traffic exceeds specified values or when certain programs are running or set a timer in minutes. Also there option prevents display from going to sleep. The application allows you to specify the download and upload thresholds. If network speeds exceed these values when the system is scheduled to enter standby mode, the action is automatically blocked.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Remote Computing
img Remote Power Manager is a power management solution for networks. The program allow network administrators to centrally manage network PCs and make remote run, shutdown, Wake-on-LAN, lock, log off, sleep, hibernate, reboot, power off, lock and unlock input devices, registry merge, file copy and other operations for Windows and Linux PCs. The program can also get the list of processes, netstat, screenshot and other details for each PC.
Windows | Shareware
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img Toolkit to enhance your applications or scripts with client/server network socket communication, automated telnet sessions, wake up on lan (Wake On Lan, WOL), SNMP, RSH (remote shell script) capabilities and more. Use this component with ASP, ASP.NET, Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C++, Visual C# .NET or VBScript application/tool.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Network Monitoring
img CC Get MAC Address is a handy tool for getting MAC address and computer name from IP address. You can use it to get MAC address of a computer on LAN even out of your LAN range. It's based on Microsoft Net bios technology. CC Get MAC Address also can be used for Wake On LAN. You can use it wake up a computer on your LAN remotely.
Windows | Shareware
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