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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
img AutoHideDesktopIcons is a lightweight portable Windows program. If you use desktop backgrounds, it helps you to see sometimes the wallpapers clean and in full bloom. With an automatic hiding and showing feature of the desktop icons, an adjustable timer and arbitrary activation options. It is the right desktop tool if the desktop is awash with icons so you can see more of your desktop background!
Windows | Freeware
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Desktop :: Icons
img Want to make your folders and drives stand out for easier identification? Customize their icons then! This program allows Windows 2000 and Windows XP users to customise the appearance of icons for drives (Win2K only) and folders. You can choose the icon and tool tip of any folder, giving the same effect (if desired) of system folders like the recycle bin or "My Documents". jFolder is written in Assembly Language for maximum efficiency.
Windows | Freeware
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Desktop :: Other
img NirExt utility adds 3 useful context menu extensions to your Windows Explorer environment: * Folder Properties: Change the icon of any folder you want * Advanced Run: Run an application with command-line and some other options. * Create Shortcut+: Instantly create a shortcut and drop it into one of the following folders: Desktop, Start Menu, Programs folder under Start Menu, and more...
Windows | Freeware
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Graphic Apps :: Other
img ApinSoft JPG to PDF Converter is an application that help you quickly convert image files (such as JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, ICON, EMF, WMF, TIFF ) to a single PDF file. The converted PDF file will contain all the image files added, and the images in the output PDF file will be in accordance with the order of the images added. Does not require any Adobe Acrobat programs or Image Processing programs installed on your computer.
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Components & Libraries
img ShellObjects.Net is a set of components which allow your applications to display MSN/Office2003 style popups [ShellPopupNotification], create quick-launch like appbars with drag-docking and autohide functionality [ShellAppBar], put icons in the shell tray notification area with support for animations, multiple icons and balloon styles [ShellNotiyIcon], and create, modify and read shortcut (*.lnk) [ShellLink] and internet shortcut (*.url) file
Windows | Commercial
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System Utilities :: Launchers & Task Managers
img CD Autostart Creator has an easy to use interface and lets you create and distribute CDs with an autostart feature in just seconds. Simply enter the name of the file on CD that shall be executed and the software automatically creates the autostart files: autorun.inf and either a 16-bit exe file (only 3.6k) or a 32-bit exe file (only 17.9k). In addition you can customize version information and use your own 32x32 16-color icon with your CD.
Windows | Shareware
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img The Broom! allows you to clear your drives from unnecessary and temporary files. The program includes more than 220 file extensions, which enable it to scan and recognize most of the files on your computer. It can also clear backup, 0-byte, cache, and cookie files, and includes a host of special functions as well as complete file management. You can change file extensions and dates; copy, open, and rename files; and number them.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Launchers & Task Managers
img Link2Exe is a tool for the Web professional, Graphic Artist or Business specialist. Create your own online/offline link applications with your company logo (icon). Instant links to Website, E-mail, FTP, Folders, Applications etc. Link2Exe has an easy to use interface, and with it you can create and distribute an application (4-23k) that will easily put your services at a users finger tips, quickly and professionally.
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Management & Distribution
img SocialMedia driven App Developer is a business planner for the 21st century Freeware, Shareware and App developer. Fine-tune as many cost, reach, and sales parameters as you want. See company revenue and net profit predictions over 48 months. It allows for a complete Return-on-Invest calculation and allows to get a quick overview over any possible scenario optimizations.
Windows | Freeware
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