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Technical Dictionary Dutch English 3.0

Business :: Databases & Tools


(Click to Enlarge)

Technical Dictionary Dutch to English 138949 entries/translations in Excel or Access- Format. Vocabulary from the fields of electrical engineering, engeneering, automotive, automation, electronics, mechanical , engineering, instrumentation, engineering in general, computer science, space, multimedia, networks, internet, telecommunications, windows, communication, geology , geotechnical engineering, hydraulics, hydrology, mechanics , mining, petroleum, science, technics , surveying, machinery, electricity, and many other fields. For Companies with own applications: Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments


Version: 3.0
Author: TT-Software Databases

License: Data Only
File Size: 0 MB
Last Virus Scan: 2025-03-01
Downloads: 65
Views: 68
Price: $0.00

Installer: No Install Support
Released: 9-1-2017

Recent Changes:
New version

Technical Dictionary Dutch English Excel Access Database



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Runs on:

Handheld/Mobile Other, iPhone, Java, Linux, macOS Sierra, Netware, Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinOther, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP, Windows 8


Windows Mac Apple


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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img For Companies with own applications: Technical Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Verb Conjugations for English French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. Databases in Excel, MS- ACCESS or SQL format. Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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