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Flash Math 1.1



(Click to Enlarge)

Children in years past have always practiced their basic mathematics by using flash cards. This learning methodology is highly effective in sharpening children's computational capacity but lacks dynamic feedback. Flash Math duplicates the positive aspect of flash cards and provides dynamic feedback. Also, Flash Math scales problems according to children's proficiency so that they are not frustrated by difficult problems or unchallenged by less intricate equations. The problems presented are for children in grades first through third in a standard US school curriculum.


Version: 1.1
Author: Pocket Tutor

License: Shareware
File Size: 0 MB
Last Virus Scan: 2025-03-01
Downloads: 87
Views: 74
Price: $2.00

Installer: Install Only
Released: 7-31-2006

Education Math Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Pocket PC



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Runs on:

Windows CE


Pocket PC ARM/XScale Processor


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