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Risk Processor 2.1.1

Business :: Other


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65,000 risks can be captured. Per risk detailed information can be stored such as description, mitigation measures, responsible, status, frequency and impact per business value, cost, revenue. Automated calculation of net present value of mitigation measures. Relation to an external file can be selected in which risk information is captured such as the management decision. Sort options. 6 levels of severity and frequency. The severity and frequency for each level can be changed. View of risk in risk matrix with automatic display of risks per risk level. Automatic calculation of monetary equivalent (= financial) value of risk, expected value per business value and monetary equivalent per business value. Names of business values (6) can be changed. Effect matrix with 6 levels. Levels can be changed. Risk information can be added, deleted or changed. Open data standard based on Excel format. Export function available. Data lists (metadata) can be added (status, employee, cause, entity, reaction, impact and sort). Up to 150 items per list. Automatic labeling and categorization of data lists after adding a new label. Audit trail. Risk Matrix with 6 types of likelihood and 6 types of effect can be changed by user. Automatic backup possibility. Multilingualism. Selection of standard texts in Risk Processor possible in English, German and Dutch. Other languages can be added on request (please contact us). User-specific labels with names can be changed. Risk Processor works on the PC where the program is downloaded and the registration key is asked for. On another PC it does not work. For some messages standard Windows messages are used. The language of your Windows version and language can influence these messages (eg saving changes). Risk Processor can be integrated in a corporate version. Also cheaper Risk Processor Light and a Corporate (company wide) version available at www.assetresolutions.nl.


Version: 2.1.1
Author: AssetResolutions B.V.

License: Shareware
File Size: 1 MB
Last Virus Scan: 2025-02-27
Downloads: 79
Views: 60
Price: $999.99

Installer: No Install Support
Released: 5-3-2012

Recent Changes:
Autosave and backup improved. New audit trail screen. Multi lingual. Icon added. More languages possible, please contact us.

Risk Processor professional risk register risicoregister Risikoregister asset management asset lifecycle management risk management enterprise risk management ERM COSO RJ 660.406 ISO/IEC Guide 73 IEC 31010 ISO31000



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Runs on:

WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win2000


MS Excel (v. 2000, 2003, 2007 or 2010; 32 bit), Disk space minimal 2 MB excl data


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