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Trend Day Finder 1.04

Business :: Investment Tools


(Click to Enlarge)

Trend Day Finder (TDF) locates and analyzes trend days - those days that comprise major moves in the market. Some of the world's best traders, including Linda Bradford Raschke and Tony Crabel, have cited the importance of capturing trend days. Daily quotes are used to provide analysis and statistics of trend days by year, month, day of the week, gap, inside day (ID) and narrowest range (NR) day. Two reports are provided - a two-page summary of information by category and a detailed list of individual trend days. TDF is a trading tool to generate ideas and is intended for both systematic and discretionary traders. Documentation is included with suggestions for its use. Users can customize the definition of a trend day and the time period to be studied. No quote subscriptions are required. Data is retrieved from the Yahoo Finance quote database and works with all stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (QQQQ, SPY, etc).


Version: 1.04
Author: Rimes Real Value Software

License: Shareware
File Size: 1 MB
Last Virus Scan: 2025-02-27
Downloads: 72
Views: 53
Price: $25.00

Installer: Install and Uninstall
Released: 2-10-2007

Trend Day Trend Day Trendday trading



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Runs on:

WinXP, Windows2000


Access 2003 or runtime


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