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Ten Thousand Dice 2.40



(Click to Enlarge)

Ten Thousand Dice - A Game of Temptation and Chance for up to 6 human or computer players. The game is played with six dice, and is a race to score at least 10,000 points. You can play with any combination of human or computer players, and with the registered version, remote network players. To win you will need equal parts strategy, luck, and guts, but any way you play you are sure to have fun and post a few stats to the -Awards- board. Each player in turn rolls the dice in an attempt to score points. If successful, he or she has the option of re-rolling the non scoring dice to try to gain additional points or to -Stay- and put the points scored thus far in the bank. If, during any roll of the dice, the player scores no points he or she -Busts- and forfeits all points earned on previous rolls and not put in the bank. The game continues until one of the players stays with 10,000 points or more in the bank. Once this happens every other player is given one final turn to try to bank more points than any previous player. The game ends when the last player has had his or her chance to beat the first person to score 10,000 or more. The winner is the player with the most points in the bank at the end.


Version: 2.40
Author: ENW Software

License: Shareware
File Size: 1 MB
Last Virus Scan: 2025-02-20
Downloads: 67
Views: 65
Price: $15.00

Installer: Install and Uninstall
Released: 3-7-2004

Recent Changes:
New Version Release - Network Multiplayer

Ten Thousand Dice Game Shareware Temptation Chance Network Farkle Zilch Zonk 10000 10K Aces Race Pair Straight Bust Stay Fun



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Runs on:

Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000


Microsoft Windows 9x or Windows NT 4.0 (or later)


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