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SentiVeillance SDK Trial 6.0

Development :: Components & Libraries


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Real-time biometric facial recognition and pedestrian or vehicle tracking in live video streams. Supports up to 10 IP cameras on one PC. Available as SDK (software developing kit) for technology integration into small and large surveillance systems. The proprietary technology provides automatic operation with multiple face detection, tracking, persons' gender determination, enrollment and identification. Can be used in law enforcement, security, attendance control, visitor counting, traffic monitoring solutions. Some applications may require to enroll the users in advance (such as list of employees or watch-list of unwanted persons or suspect criminals), whereas other just work on the general public passing by (i.e. detect if passers-by draw attention to certain ads or billboards). The SDK allows to create networked applications and systems with multiple cameras and data processing nodes on Windows and Linux platforms. Includes programming samples in Java, .NET, C, as well as all necessary components (the biometric technology, camera support, network synchronization). The trial requires constant Internet connection. See also demo video at https://youtu.be/Jpt5jE5rwCQ


Version: 6.0
Author: Neurotechnology

License: Demo
File Size: 470 MB
Last Virus Scan: 2025-01-21
Downloads: 60
Views: 74
Price: $861.00

Installer: Install and Uninstall
Released: 3-21-2017

Recent Changes:
New face detection and tracking algorithms and support for up to 10 surveillance cameras on one computer.

surveillance face identification recognition software DLL SDK development kit library trial demo multiple windows linux CCTV



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Runs on:

Linux, Linux Console, Linux Gnome, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP


3GHz 64-bit processor or better, 8 GB of RAM. Optionally 1+ MegaPixel camera, GPU (GeForce GTX 1080)


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