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UnitOOPS OLE Drag and Drop Components 1.36



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Description. These components provide the Delphi and C++Builder developer with access to most common inter-application (OLE) drag and drop capabilities with almost no user code. And, they trigger events you can handle to get even more control over the drag and drop process. You can drag text, pictures (bitmaps or metafiles) and user-defined data formats to other applications. You can accept plain text, file lists, rich text (RTF), Microsoft HTML format, URL links, bitmaps, DIBs, metafiles, and user-defined data formats (several at a time, if necessary). If you need to drag or accept a new format, you do not need to write a new descendant component; you only need to assign some values to a property. You can even drag and drop live OLE links. All content is neatly encapsulated in Delphi-style objects (e.g., graphical content is always in a TPicture, text is always in a Delphi string or TStringList). For dragging from your application, the components support the use of whatever mouse button you choose. You can even use different mouse buttons to drag different content. Typical usage. You need almost no code to get all of the functionality of drag and drop in your own applications: typically, for example, you'd drop a TUOTextTarget component on a form, set a couple of properties, and write literally a line or two of code to do whatever you want with the content a user drags and drops onto your application. In order to demonstrate this, the source code for a large number sample drag and drop applications, both Delphi and C++Builder, is available online at . The help for the components is also available online on our web site at . A trial version of the components (which will operate only while the Delphi or C++Builder IDE is running) is available for download from the web site, and includes the source code for the sample applications.


Version: 1.36
Author: UnitOOPS Software

License: Crippleware
File Size: 1 MB
Last Virus Scan: 2025-02-27
Downloads: 78
Views: 46
Price: $75.00

Installer: Install and Uninstall
Released: 3-6-2000

drag drop Delphi C++Builder COM user interface system



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Runs on:

Win95, Win98, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000


Delphi 3 or later; C++Builder 3 or later


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