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Business :: Calculators & Converters
img This Universal Converter allows you to convert to and from many UK, US and metric units. To do a conversion, simply select a category (length, speed, surface, temperature, volume, weight, etc.), select the source and the target units. The conversation is made on the fly as you type the source value.
Windows | Shareware
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Desktop :: Other
img Univerasl Desktop Ruler allows you to measure not only a straight line distance but any curved distance on the Screen. It allows you to measure quickly and accurately distances, areas and perimeters of figures on the screen. You can determine your own scale and get results in pixels and your units of measurement (feet, inches, meters, ...). It is useful for measuring distance and area on a map, finding area and perimeter in a house project.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Converters & Optimizers
img Universal Document Converter enables Windows users to save any documents as a PDF or image file such as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, PCX, DCX, or Bitmap. Universal Document Converter software is based on virtual printer technology. Thanks to that, converting text documents, technical drawings, presentations, and worksheets is no more complicated than printing on a desktop printer.
Windows | Demo
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Network & Internet :: Download Managers
img Universal Maps Downloader is a tool that help you to get small tile images from google maps, bing maps, openstreetmap, etc. You can view downloaded maps by Maps Viewer Or you can combine them into bmp, jpg, tif, png, sgi, img, kmz, rst, pnm, pdf, mbtiles, gpkg, webp, sqlite, mrf, nc file by Maps Combiner, or export all tiles into a MBTiles format database. Including 2500+ maps types.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Network Monitoring
img UPnP Tester is an experimental tool that lists all the available devices compatible with the Universal Plug-and-Play protocol including Internet Gateway Devices (IGDs). As soon as the program starts, it searches for available devices then it updates the list as devices are plugged or unplugged. The status window displays miscellaneous notifications and the IP addresses as they are assigned.
Windows | Freeware
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Business :: Project Management
img UniProjectMan is a complete project and customer relation management system for control any business or home work. You will be able to plan and track as simple as complex projects. Manage your customers and vendors,import emails, parse sales orders, post news using built-in email sender. This system will help you in creation of detailed project schedule, Gantt charts, budget control sheet, resouce planning, inventory control, individual calendar
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Other
img UniversalIndentGUI is a cross platform compatible GUI for nearly any code formatter, beautifier and indenter like GNU Indent, Uncrustify, Artistic Styler, PHP Stylist, Ruby Beautify, HTML Tidy and many other. Main feature is a live preview to directly see how the selected formatting option affects the source code. (Latest version, news and complete changelog on http://universalindent.sourceforge.net)
Windows MAC Linux | Freeware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img UPCE barcode is compressed version of universal product code and create by compressing 12digit of standard barcode in 8digit code through process zero suppression. UPCE barcode is wide range of application in various industries, including retail, healthcare, inventory management, e-commerce, asset tracking and document management. UPCE barcode can scanned to shorted and use a unique encoding scheme and able to recognize and decode barcode.
Windows | Shareware
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