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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
[FRANCE] Utility that allows you to extract email addresses and full contact details from professional pages. After making your selection this small software goes through all the pages and extracts the data from the pages of the site. International languages.
Windows MAC Linux | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
Professional Barcodes Software helps unprofessional users to generate price stickers without any difficulty using standard designing setting which used in manufacturing business. Bar code label maker utility facilitates to design transportation companies related bar code tag, holograms and price stickers using different types of designing views including line, rectangle, picture, text, pencil, ellipse or other types of object for business usage.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
[SPAIN] Utility that extracts email addresses and full contact information from the yellow pages. After making your selection this small software goes through all the pages and extracts the data from the pages of the site. International languages.
Windows MAC Linux | Shareware
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
[SWITZERLAND] Utility that extracts email addresses and full contact information from the yellow pages. After making your selection this small software goes through all the pages and extracts the data from the pages of the site. International languages.
Windows MAC Linux | Shareware
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
[UK] Utility that extracts email addresses and full contact information from the yellow pages. After making your selection this small software goes through all the pages and extracts the data from the pages of the site. International languages.
Windows MAC Linux | Shareware
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Communications :: Telephony
Quorum is software which runs as a phone conference server on any Windows PC. Callers dial into the server to join telephone conferences. Callers can connect to a conference call using either standard or VoIP lines on external telephone numbers or through an office phone system. The number of people who can join a conference call is limited only by your bandwidth.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Telephony
Quorum is software which runs as a phone conference server on any Windows PC. Callers dial into the server to join telephone conferences. Callers can connect to a conference call using either standard or VoIP lines on external telephone numbers or through an office phone system. The number of people who can join a conference call is limited only by your bandwidth.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Dur outil de récupération de disque efficacement reprennent l'ensemble des fichiers égarés de disque dur ou périphérique de stockage amovible et enregistrés dans des formats de fichiers multiples comme txt, html, xls, pdf, ppt, doc, gif, jpeg, png, exif, WMF, EMF, jpg, bmp , tiff, riff, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, exe, zip et autres extensions. Restauration utilitaire reprend les données même supprimés par l'intermédiaire merde + Delete.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Sim-kortet data genoplivning software effektivt hente alle uheld krypteret skjult information som modtages telefonopkald detaljer, modtage beskeder, MMS SIM IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) nummer, telefonnummer mappe listen, yndlingsbilleder, tekstdokumenter, vigtige filer, musik mapper , telefonbøger, sub-mapper, faste numre, kaldte numre og andre oplysninger slettes på grund af hardware-eller software fejl.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Sim-kaart revival software reparaties per ongeluk versleutelde verborgen informatie, zoals ontvangen telefoontje details, ontvangen van berichten, MMS, SIM-IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)-nummer, telefoonnummer bestandslijst, foto's, documenten, bestanden, mappen, mappen, submappen, inbox, outbox, ontwerp, items verzenden, vaste nummers, gekozen nummers etc details.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Betroubare SIM-kaart herstel nut weer beskadig lêers, beelde, posbus teks, Gestuur boodskappe, vasgestelde aantal ens detail van per ongeluk geformateer data met gebruikersvriendelike grafiese koppelvlak.SIM-kaart herlewing program herstelwerk persoonlike inligting, kontak nommer, 'n groep lys ens van beskadigde SIM-kaart geheue met 'n vinnige en koste-effektiewe manier.
Windows | Shareware
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