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Search: spectrum analysis


img The CatMV program is a realization of the "Caterpillar"-SSA method for analysis of time series, which may contain missing values. The implemented algorithms result in extraction of additive components of time series such as trends and periodic components, with simultaneous filling in the missing data (if any). The program is able to perform forecasting if to add missing values after the last point of the time series.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Science
img Spekwin32: spectroscopy software for optical spectra. Convert, visualize and processs multiple UV-VIS, NIR, IR, Raman and fluorescence spectra from many different file formats, e. g. JCAMP-DX, THERMO GRAMS spc, Varian Cary 50, Perkin Elmer, JASCO, Shimadzu, Ocean Optics, StellarNet SpectraWiz, Avantes Avasoft, Roper... Totally free for non-commercial use. Visit http://www.effemm2.de/spekwin/index_en.html for more information & download!
Windows | Freeware
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