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Security & Privacy :: Other
This Tool create self-signed test certificates (X.509 v3) for private use. It is very easy to create and you can encrypt your data with this certificate.
Windows | Freeware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
The encrypted file clipboard abylon SHAREDDRIVE is shown in the File Explorer on the desktop level and protect your secret files. The complete integration into the Explorer environment simplify using of the software. The encryption and decryption with the AES algorithm is done for each file operation automatically in the background. The file-based structure allow the simultaneous access of several users and reduce the backup data transfer volume.
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Other
The deletion of files with the windows recycle bin removes only the references to the files, without real clearing. In contrast to this the software abylon SHREDDER overwrite the data up to 35 times (Peter Gutman method). Afterwards the data can not be reconstructed any longer. The same goes for free space, clustertips, surf traces of the browser, file names, duplicate files or full drives.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
The software abylon UAC-GRABBER extends the security concept introduced in Windows Vista, called ?User Account Control (UAC)?. The program enables the administrative start of trusted applications without prompting the confirmation dialog box each time. In order for this the UAC security dialog will show only, if programs are executed without the knowledge of the user. An alternative start menu is available for Windows 8.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Dial Up & Connection Tools
The software abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER use the available Wi-Fi cards and search at regular intervals for wireless networks. In real time the found Wi-Fi networks will be displayed in a clear tree structure. Network name (SSID), connection status, network type, encryption algorithm and signal strength in percent are displayed as additional information. With one click, the connection is establish.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Screen Capture
ACA Capture allows you to quickly capture screenshots including desktop, scrolling web pages, web images, menus and more. Getting started is as easy as pressing a hotkey. In addition, you can apply capture masks, including circular, rectangle and other shapes, Captures can optionally include the mouse cursor, or can automatically send the captured images to MS Office applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Screen Capture
ACA Capture Pro is an award-winning screen capture software. It captures screen from desktop programs and even those hard-to-grab DirectX, Direct3D mode games, and it have many enhanced features: capture all flash files from web page, create videos of your computer screen, capture any icons whatever from a file, a directory, or whole harddisk on your computer. More info, vist:
Windows | Shareware
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Web Development :: HTML Tools
ACA Color Picker is a color picker software, it pick color value of any screen pixel & display its value in a value of formats such as CMYK, Decimal, Hex, HSB/HSV, HSL(Win), VC/VB/Delphi/HTM & RGB. With ACA Color Picker, you can get kinds of color code, just after click several times, it's very helpful for web designer, webmaster or programmer. More:
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Multimedia Creation Tools
ACA Screen Recorder is a windows screen recording software, it records the screen actions and sounds from the microphone or internet radio, saves it as a standard, easily edited, AVI movie file. This format can be played under Windows, as well as the Internet, unlike other programs that use proprietary formats that may need special viewers and be difficult, if not impossible, to edit.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
Students, teachers, and other people who are interested in testing their skills in core subjects such as English, mathematics, science, geography and history, or are simply interested in developing their own tests, would find that Academia 3.0 provides a rich set of tests and tools to help people achieve these goals.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: File & Disk Management
With ACCDB file recovery software you can easily get the solutions of how to recover access file within very less period of time and without any data loss. Access recovery tool is the correct and advance solution to recover access file which will not damaged the originality of access database.
Windows | Shareware
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