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System Utilities :: Shell Tools
UpTime is a small free utility that shows you how long Windows has been running. It displays the number of years, months, weeks, days and minutes since your last boot. For example, if your computer has been running for around 5 days Uptime would display 5 Days, 19 Hours, 42 Minutes, 16 Seconds. Extremely accurate to the second, UpTime is a utility you need to keep around.
Windows | Freeware
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Business :: Office Suites & Tools
VeryUtils HookPrinter Print Logger is a best print logging application for Windows systems designed to provide real-time activity logs for all installed printers. The print log contains: time of print, the name of the user who printed, the total number of pages, document names and titles, other job attributes such as paper size, color mode, etc.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Office Suites & Tools
VeryUtils Responsive HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist is a great HTML5 Audio Player for Web and Desktop developers. You can use this product as a fully featured html5 audio player or just to add background music to your website. You can customize this html5 audio player by changing the color for: player background, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, song title, playlist background, playlist font and playlist item line separator.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Audio File Players
Vorbital Player is a free MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, AIFF, SND, Wavpack, and Wave file player. It uses OpenAL and is small and compact in order to take up as little screen space as possible (though you can, of course, resize the window if you would like a larger playlist). It will also display the album art for a track if it is present.
Windows | Freeware
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Communications :: Telephony
The VRS is a multiple channel voice recording application typically used for telephone line recording, radio station logging or control room recording. The VRS records 1 to 64 audio channels simultaneously with advanced audio compression to reduce file size. Find and play recordings ordered by date or channel.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Speech
VSCAT is a software that automatically creates video subtitles in multiple languages. It supports transcription and translation in over 80 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Russian, and German.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Audio File Recorders
WeenyFree Audio Recorder records audio from any sources on your computer such as sound card, CD player, microphone, line-in device etc. You can use Weeny Free Audio Recorder to record any audio including music being played, for instance, in Windows Media Player or WinAmp, Skype conversations, dialogs from movies, sounds from games etc. Recorded sounds can be real-time saved in WAV, MP3, OGG or WMV format.
Windows | Freeware
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Graphic Apps :: Other
Well Logger lets you create soil boring logs and well construction diagrams. Project engineers and geologists can use Well Logger on a laptop at the worksite to quickly complete necessary documentation -- usually during available drilling downtime.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: CD Burners
Zeallsoft Audio CD Burneris an audio CD-burning software that can create Audio CD from your MP3/WMA/AC3/WAV files. The customized Audio CD can be played with your home Hi-Fi or car CD palyer. It is fairly simple to use and just a couple of clicks will get you burning. It used by twenty thousands of users everyday and it runs well on all 32-bit windows system.
Windows | Shareware
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