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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Barcodes are the demanding for the retail industry. When it comes up to the retail business it is widely used because each product needs a particular barcode. Some retail store depends upon human because they are not using barcodes so they have to face losses in their business. It can decrease the sale as well as take too much time in the checkout process. Product barcodes label creating application can generate the barcodes for retail industry.
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Access Control
img Share alarm is a tool that allows you to see parameters of the workstation which tries to establish a connection with your computer.The remote workstation, user, path, OS, permissions of the accessed folder, connection time will available via this tool .The tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and is easy to use.The program have firewall system that allows to block any unwanted connection to your shared resources.
Windows | Freeware
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Security & Privacy :: Access Control
img ShareAlarmPro is a network tool that allows network administrators and users easily perform a network shares monitoring. Using ShareAlarmPro you can monitor users attempting to access secured shares and confidential files, detect and log network access to shared folders, monitor security events, monitor accessed files, disconnect users from open files or deny network users access, monitor sharing permission changes.
Windows | Shareware
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Desktop :: Screen Savers: Nature
img Sim Aquarium brings the most realistic coral reef aquarium to your computer screen. Its stunning, photo-realistic graphics recreate the beauty of 3D fish swimming freely in a 3D environment, including reef, with live clams and swaying sea life. Sim AQUARIUM brings you as close to a living, growing reef as you can get on your computer.
Windows | Freeware
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Business :: Accounting & Finance
img Simple bookkeeping software provide proficient and economical business management suit that automate overall financial transactions and accounting records. Windows compatible financial accounting and inventory management software efficiently maintains multiple Company accounting records including business customers-vendors record, income-expense records, stock-purchase records, profit-loss record and other related records in systematic manner.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img Site Link Checker checks Web sites for broken links. It is a free easy-to-use link checker tool to help you maintain the accuracy of links on your web site. The program will help you easily locate broken links and links containing syntactic errors. SiteLinkChecker will search your site, testing each link it finds and report the status of each link. All the mentioned features are provided with a user friendly graphical interface.
Windows | Freeware
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Web Development :: Log Analysers
img SmartLogAnalyzer is a simple program to parse default access.log file written by the Apache Web-server, convert to XML document and analyze the output XML file. This is web statistics program for your web logs - display useful statistics about your website. The tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and is easy to use.
Windows | Freeware
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Communications :: Chat & Instant Messaging
img SMS marketing is effective for business to reach audience directly on the mobile devices to build customer relationship and drive sales. SMS marketing is easy to track and measure to allow for business to evaluate success of campaigns and make data -driven decision. SMS marketing is helping business to increase customer engagement by sending personalized message and directly to customer and used automation tool to scheduling message and segment.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Código de barras altamente interactivas aplicación de la etiqueta del fabricante para las oficinas de correos y los bancos se integra con aumentar la característica que permite a los usuarios cambiar la configuración de fuente, la imagen y el color para generar imágenes de calidad superior de etiqueta de código de barras en forma costo-efectiva.
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img This gives you access to unbreakable OTP encryption. You can encrypt to and from files or directly to the clipboard. Paste cipher-text directly into text documents. Generate real random keys with no more than a radio and a sound card. One-Time Pad (OTP) encryption a.k.a. infinite key encryption. OTP encryption is absolutely unbreakable if used correctly. This system is well known and has been used for a long time by various intelligence agencies
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Password Managers
img SpotChrome Password Recovery is the best tool to recover Google Chrome passwords. Google Chrome Password Recovery is a lightweight and very easy to use application that will help you to decrypt the passwords stored by Google Chrome browser. All the mentioned features are provided with a user friendly graphical interface.
Windows | Shareware
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