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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
img Download the BFK Recovery tool that provides an easy solution to repair missing backup catalog files or resolve errors like inconsistency was encountered in requested media, unable to read XP backup files etc. If there is any corruption due to bits and you are unable to repair BKF files, get BKF Repair Tool to repair missing catalog files efficiently.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Calculators & Converters
img This Universal Converter allows you to convert to and from many UK, US and metric units. To do a conversion, simply select a category (length, speed, surface, temperature, volume, weight, etc.), select the source and the target units. The conversation is made on the fly as you type the source value.
Windows | Shareware
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Desktop :: Other
img Univerasl Desktop Ruler allows you to measure not only a straight line distance but any curved distance on the Screen. It allows you to measure quickly and accurately distances, areas and perimeters of figures on the screen. You can determine your own scale and get results in pixels and your units of measurement (feet, inches, meters, ...). It is useful for measuring distance and area on a map, finding area and perimeter in a house project.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Converters & Optimizers
img Universal Document Converter enables Windows users to save any documents as a PDF or image file such as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, PCX, DCX, or Bitmap. Universal Document Converter software is based on virtual printer technology. Thanks to that, converting text documents, technical drawings, presentations, and worksheets is no more complicated than printing on a desktop printer.
Windows | Demo
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Development :: Other
img UniversalIndentGUI is a cross platform compatible GUI for nearly any code formatter, beautifier and indenter like GNU Indent, Uncrustify, Artistic Styler, PHP Stylist, Ruby Beautify, HTML Tidy and many other. Main feature is a live preview to directly see how the selected formatting option affects the source code. (Latest version, news and complete changelog on http://universalindent.sourceforge.net)
Windows MAC Linux | Freeware
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img UniView is a powerful image viewer,converter and manipulation tool. It support 50+ popular formats: ANI,AVI,BMP,BW,CEL,CIF,CUR,CUT,DCX,DIB,DXF,EMF,EPS,GIF,HGL,HPG,ICO,IMG,JPE,JPG,MAC,PBM,PCC,PCD,PCX,PDD,PGM,PIC,PLO,PLT,PNG,PPM,PSD,PSP,PTF,RGB,RLA,RLE,RPF,SCR,SGI,SLD,TGA,TIF,UFO,WBMP,WMF. It also intergates functions, including encrypt and batch convert/rename image files, slide show with 140+ special effects, animation controls, html album maker.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Newsgroup Clients
img Designed to make looking in giant newsgroups as easy as possible. Instead of waiting for millions of headers to download as with an old-fashioned news-reader program, the unPoster constantly scans your groups and keeps a list of the files available. If you leave the program running in the background, all that you need to do is select files to download from the unPoster's list. There is no other practical way to keep up with high-traffic groups.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: File Compression
img The Unzip Wizard - A utility that makes unzipping ZIP archive files simple. Step by step instructions greatly helps novices who are unfamiliar with unzipping. The Wizard knows his stuff, and he will be happy to step you through the unzipping process. The friendly Unzip Wizard interface will make you feel confident and secure that your ZIP files are being unarchived properly. It's as easy as 1-2-3!
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Print your own retail UPC barcodes using TrueType or PostScript fonts! Prints full 12 digit barcodes plus 2 or 5 digit supplemental codes. The fonts include 5 different aspect ratios, to vary the height and width of the bars independently. Export barcodes as bmp, gif, jpg, or pngs. Includes Visual Basic macros for Excel and Access, Word label templates, plus BarUPC- a utility which builds barcodes for you and saves them as fonts or graphics.
Windows | Demo
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img UPCE barcode is compressed version of universal product code and create by compressing 12digit of standard barcode in 8digit code through process zero suppression. UPCE barcode is wide range of application in various industries, including retail, healthcare, inventory management, e-commerce, asset tracking and document management. UPCE barcode can scanned to shorted and use a unique encoding scheme and able to recognize and decode barcode.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img The DIY Portal is a self-service data append tool that allows users to enhance their customer and marketing data in real-time using the most comprehensive multi-sourced consumer, business, and automotive data available. The online self-service tool is available 24/7 and is fully automated to provide instant downloadable results. Users simply register for a free account www.updateyourlist.com
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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