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Search: lan find


img Fast file search on network or your computer! LAN Find is a powerful search engine for your local network or computer. Find any files (e.g. mp3, avi, etc.) on all or selected computers in your network in minutes! Custom search criteria, lightning fast engine, easy results management, saving and loading, search scheduling, auto-search for hidden resources (search in hidden shares) and much more!
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img Search My Network is a LAN and desktop search and management program. You may quickly find files, folders, computers, printers and shares on your LAN or PC. Found items are stored in a report, and you may export it to many formats or manage files using copy, move, sort, find, delete, etc. The program includes a search scheduler, IP search, time/size/content search filters, LAN tree (for browsing through workgroups, computers, shares and folders)
Windows | Shareware
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