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Business :: Accounting & Finance
Simple bookkeeping software provide proficient and economical business management suit that automate overall financial transactions and accounting records. Windows compatible financial accounting and inventory management software efficiently maintains multiple Company accounting records including business customers-vendors record, income-expense records, stock-purchase records, profit-loss record and other related records in systematic manner.
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Password Managers
SnugPass is your personal password manager application. Be sure, it will keep your passwords strongly encrypted and conveniently organized. It is optimized for cloud storage services and internet disk drives, such as: Google Drive, Dropbox, CloudMe, SkyDrive, Yandex.Disk, etc. Uses strong cryptographic algorithms. Your password data is encrypted with AES encryption in CTR mode with SHA 256 bit key.
Windows | Freeware
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Education :: Other
Speech and Debate Timekeeper is an open source, multi-platform timer for speech and debate competitions. It has speech order and time limits preset for Policy, Lincoln-Douglas, Parliamentary, Public Forum, World Schools, Karl Popper, and miscellaneous debate formats as well as individual events. This timer gives visual and/or vocal time signals at user defined intervals.
| Freeware
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Security & Privacy :: Password Managers
SterJo Edge Passwords is a small utility that recovers all your forgotten login details stored by the new Microsoft Edge browser. It would also display the URL, including the username and password for each entry.
Windows | Freeware
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Security & Privacy :: Password Managers
SterJo Firefox Passwords could reveal all passwords and usernames stored by Mozilla Firefox. For each password it will show the URL and it will count how many times it has been used.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Music Composers
TempoPerfect is a Metronome that runs on your PC and can be controlled using your mouse or hotkeys. Unlike mechanical metronomes that wind down, TempoPerfect provides a clear and precise beat that can be acurately adjusted for the correct bpm.It features a visual beat indicator bar that bounces from left to right in time with the beat. This provides musicians with a very helpful visual cue and also includes a tempo guide in the main window.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Music Composers
TempoPerfect is a Metronome that runs on your PC and can be controlled using your mouse or hotkeys. Unlike mechanical metronomes that wind down, TempoPerfect provides a clear and precise beat that can be acurately adjusted for the correct bpm.It features a visual beat indicator bar that bounces from left to right in time with the beat. This provides musicians with a very helpful visual cue and also includes a tempo guide in the main window.
Windows | Freeware
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Business :: Other
TimeCard Plus tracks employee time and attendance information and records and calculates regular and overtime hours worked. It also records hours employees were not at work, by category. It calculates benefit hours employees have earned (based on your company policies), and checks whether the employee has earned the benefit hours as they are taken. Hours Worked and Time Off Hours can be reported in summary and in detail.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Other
TimeCard Standard tracks employee time and attendance information and records and calculates regular and overtime hours worked. It also records hours employees were not at work, by category. It calculates benefit hours employees have earned (based on your company policies), and checks whether the employee has earned the benefit hours as they are taken. Hours Worked and Time Off Hours can be reported in summary and in detail..
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: PIMS & Calendars
TimePanic for USB drives is a portable time tracking application that does not need to be installed and that does not use the Windows registry or your hard drives. It tracks your hours on a per project basis, calculates overtime, manages your absences and prints reports. Your data can be exported in text format compatible with Microsoft Excel, and your reports are saved in a standard document format for further processing should the need arise.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Accounting & Finance
TinyBooks is a simple, flexible, non-bloated, single-entry bookkeeping and accounting system for the Macintosh. It's designed for Sole Proprietors, Home, and Small Businesses. TinyBooks is the simplest way to handle the books for most small companies. You enter your expenses and income, TinyBooks does the rest. Current and year-to-date on-the-fly totals, fully automatic bar-charting, invoices, reporting, support for taxes, etc.
MAC | Shareware
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