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System Utilities :: Other
img SimpleCodeGenerator is a simple tool for Windows that allows you to quickly generate QR Code for scanning with App on your Smartphone. You can display the QR Code on the screen, copy it to the clipboard and then paste it to another program (as image), or save it image file. SimpleCodeGenerator also allows you to generate QR Code from command line and save it as image file without displaying any user interface.
Windows | Freeware
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Development :: Debugging
img SimpleProgramDebugger is a simple debugging tool that attaches to existing running program or starts a new program in debugging mode, and then displays all major debugging events occurs while the program is running, including Exception, Create Thread, Create Process, Exit Thread, Exit Process, Load DLL, Unload Dll, and Debug String.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Other
img SimpleWMIView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the result of WMI queries in a simple table, and allows you to easily export the data to text/csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, or to copy the selected items to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application. With SimpleWMIView you can get extensive information about your system, like a list of running processes, services, drivers, user accounts, and so on...
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: System Maintenance
img simpliclean cleans up your PC thoroughly and efficiently with the registry cleaner and other powerful tools. Delete junk data and improve reliability. Prevent error messages and blue screens from appearing. simpliclean also helps reduce your computer's/laptop's energy costs. The simplitec principle: 1. Analyze & Scan 2. 1-click solution
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Código de barras la creación de software es compatible con todos los principales lineales y bidimensionales de barras simbologías de código de fuente, como Coda bar, Code 11, Code 128, EAN13, EAN8, Industrial 2 de 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, Standard 2 of 5, ISBN 13, LOGMARS, MSI Plessey, Planeta, UPCE Postnet, UPCA, USPS Telepen, azteca, Databar, ampliada Databar, MaxiCode, apilados Databar, Código QR, tipo de letra MICR y otros.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Browser Tools
img SiteShoter is a small utility that allows you to save a screenshot of any Web page into a file. It automatically creates hidden window of Internet Explorer, loads the desired Web page, and than save the entire content of the Web page into an image file (.png, .jpg, .tiff, .bmp or .gif). You can use SiteShoter in user interface mode, or alternatively, you can run SiteShoter in command-line mode without displaying any user interface.
Windows | Freeware
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Education :: Reference Tools
img Join the SKoolstica kids Vir, Sia and Sana as they confront the playful, impish virus Keetanu and do its bidding, in order to crack the codes and outsmart the cyber-bug as they attempt to track the lost parcel! Play a host of different virtual reality games as the cyber-virus takes you on a rollercoaster ride across different regions, covering mountains, plains, deserts, rivers and even under the sea! Visit : http://www.maharajagames.com
Windows | Shareware
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img SkyMaze is a NEW incredibly addictive PacMan-style arcade game played in full 3D. PLAY over 80 imaginative levels with great graphics and a unique features: power shields, magic bridges, freeze bonuses and wily monsters. Good, clean fun for all the family.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Other Comms Tools
img SkypeContactsView is a simple tool that displays the list of all Skype contacts stored in the local database file of Skype. For each contact, one or more of the following fields are displayed: Skype Name, Full Name, Display Name, Gender, ID, Birthday, Profile Time, Last Online Time, Last Used Time, Phone, Emails, and more...
Windows | Freeware
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Communications :: Other Comms Tools
img SkypeLogView reads the log files created by Skype application, and displays the details of incoming/outgoing calls, chat messages, and file transfers made by the specified Skype account. You can select one or more items from the logs list, and then copy them to the clipboard, or export them into text/html/csv/xml file.
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Browsers
img Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference.
Windows | Freeware
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