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System Utilities :: Other
img AppReadWriteCounter is a tool for Windows that counts and displays the current file read/write operations of every application running on your system. It displays the number of read/write bytes, the number of read/write operations, current calculated read/write speed, and the details about the application (product name, product version, and so on) that makes the file read/write operations.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Other
img AppResourcesUsageView extracts and displays the application resources usage information stored in the SRUDB.dat database of Windows 10 and Windows 11. The application resources usage data is automatically collected by Windows operating systems and includes the following information: Record ID, Timestamp, Application, User, Cycle Time (Foreground/Background), Face Time, Context Switches (Foreground/Background), Bytes Read/Written, and more...
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: File Compression
img This convertor can convert the following archives 7-ZIP / LZH /CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB / BH / Noa32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX / HA / ZOO/ UHARC / LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP/ RS/ SPL/ APK/ Arc / DZ/ MSI/ ALZ/ PMA/ PAQ7/ CHM/ UDA / PAQ8 / Cryptonite / ISO / LZOP / BMA ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, HKI, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA to many other archive
Windows | Freeware
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Network & Internet :: Network Monitoring
img ARK for Active Directory (ARKAD) is a powerful reporting solution for the Microsoft Active Directory Enterprise. ARKAD collects and reports configuration information about various objects and their properties in the Active Directory. The reports are presented in a variety of formats that are simple, elegant and highly customizable for System Administrators, IT infrastructure Managers and Systems Audit personnel to use and act on.
| Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img ArmorTools is a set of tools that expands the capabilities of the MS Windows operating system in the field of security and protection of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the user's work on the computer, clears the history of visiting sites...
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img ArmorTools is a set of tools that expands the capabilities of the MS Windows operating system in the field of security and protection of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the user's work on the computer, clears the history of visiting sites...
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img ArmorTools is a set of tools that expands the capabilities of the MS Windows operating system in the field of security and protection of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the user's work on the computer, clears the history of visiting sites...
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img ArmorTools Pro is a set of tools that expands the capabilities of the MS Windows operating system in the field of security and protection of user confidential information. ArmorTools Pro allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools Pro removes traces of the user's work on the computer, clears the history of visiting sites...
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img ArmorTools Professional is a set of tools that expands the capabilities of the MS Windows operating system in the field of security and protection of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the user's work on the computer, clears the history of visiting sites...
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img ArmorTools Pro x64 is a set of tools that expands the capabilities of the MS Windows operating system in the field of security and protection of user confidential information. ArmorTools Pro x64 allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools Pro removes traces of the user's work on the computer, clears the history of visiting sites...
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: System Maintenance
img Blackout of autorun of programs from data carriers. Will help to get rid of the annoying Autorun's (by means of which are started viruses and other harmful programs) which are on various removable data carriers started in memory of the computer and also to prevent their emergence in system in the future.
Windows | Freeware
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