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System Utilities :: File & Disk Management
img Arpoon Checksum compute checksums of files. A checksum (message digest, hash value) is a kind of fingerprint that permit to identify a file or document uniquely. This can be used to authenticate files or to follow changes on your documents. Computed checksums: MD5, CRC32, Adler, SHA1, MD4, MD2, RIPE 160, SHA256, ELF
Windows | Freeware
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Web Development :: ASP & PHP
img ASPHelp produces developers reference documentation for ASP web pages. Working from the ASP source files, ASPHelp allows the annotation of input parameters to a page for all possible execution paths, documentation of possible destination points from the web page. Additional processing options include, page level method documentation, object usage and with linkage to SQLHelp and DBDocumentor, the SQL used to build the web page.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Launchers & Task Managers
img Astatix Launcher allows you to quick start any applications, open documents and explore folders in a single click. It allows assigning hotkeys to any actions, fulfill several special functions: open/close CD door, run screen saver, hide task bar and others. One of additional possibilities is a control of Winamp. You can use any hotkeys and control Winamp player anytime even you are playing full-screen games like Quake or Counter Strike.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Other
img AudioShell is a freeware Windows Explorer shell extension plug-in which allows you to view and edit ID3 tags directly in Windows Explorer.AudioShell adds ID3 tag editor and files rename tools into Windows system music files pop-up menu. AudioShell property shell handler add detailed music tags information into Windows Explorer columns and Preview pane, thumbnail handler add thumbnails with album art into Explorer.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Audio File Recorders
img AudioTime allows you to schedule the recording of audio or replay audio at certain dates and times or regular times on certain days of week. It can replay an audio file as it is being recorded (to delay the recording) as well as record or replay multiple files at the same time. Typically, AudioTime is used by Radio Stations to record and replay network programs.
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Encryption Tools
img Basic Authentication is a little program that converts a user name (login) and optionally a password to/from their Base64 Basic Authentication counterpart.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
img Autoitlauncher 1.0 is a keyboard shortcuts automation software. create in 3d a launcher with button icons on the desktop, select a button to write a keystroke autoit script, if that is done you can push that button with your mouse or touch device. it will direct execute the code. (native autoit script) With this power tool you can build your own - keyboard shortcuts launcher - multi clipboard launcher - application launcher.
Windows | Freeware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
img MySQL Backup and Recovery GUI Software Automatic Solution. Compress MySQL backup files to ZIP / GZIP archives and upload them to your FTP server / Email box automatically. Make full / incremental / differential backup. With Windows Service and Command Line program. Unlimited number of MySQL databases and servers.
Windows | Shareware
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Desktop :: Cursors & Fonts
img This software offers a solution to users who want to hide the mouse after inactivity. The mouse will simply disappear after is stops moving for a certain number of seconds. There is a feature to have the software load up during Windows startup. This application can be minimized to the system tray at the bottom right corner of the screen so that it can run in the background with minimal visibility.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Converters & Optimizers
img Convert mesh to solid and import/export 3D file formats in AutoCAD / BricsCAD / ZWCAD software. Supporting many of 3D file extensions including STL (Stereolithography), OFF (Object File), OBJ (Alias Wavefront), 3DS (3D-Studio Format), IV (Inventor), SAT (Standard ACIS Text), SKP (Trimble SketchUp) and more.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
img Autorun USB Helper sits in the background and monitors the system for all new USB sticks connected to it. Once it detects a new USB drive it scans it for any autorun program on it and executes it thus emulating autorun feature that was disabled on Windows 7 for USB devices for security purposes. At the same time, the safety of the operation and authenticity of the executed file is guaranteed by strong checksum testing and the built-in white list.
Windows | Freeware
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