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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
Eenvoudige wizard om labels, waaronder bogen, lijnen, ovalen, cirkels, driehoeken en afgeronde rechthoeken van ID-kaarten maken en andere tools ontworpen om er goed uitzien en betrouwbaar bedrijf label / commerciële en de scheepvaart slechts een paar muisklikken binnen uw budget.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Gegevens berging hulpmiddel biedt uitgebreide oplossing voor het geschrapte digitale foto's te verkrijgen met volledige ondersteuning voor alle belangrijke Windows-besturingssystemen. Download data herstellen van software ontoegankelijk mediabestand in originele bestandsformaat te herstellen zonder dat dit invloed oorspronkelijke systeem-instellingen.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Data recovery applicatie biedt geavanceerde functie voor gebruikers om hele verwijderde waardevolle bestanden en mappen te herstellen, zelfs "Drive niet geformatteerd" of "Drive wordt niet herkend" foutmelding wordt weergegeven op de computer systeem. Herstel bestanden gewist programma kunt u herstellen belangrijke gegevens verloren als gevolg van menselijke fouten, handmatig verwijderen, bestand verminkingen, stroomuitval en andere redenen.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Editors
CollageIt is an easy-to-use and automatic collage maker, which makes photo collage automatically. There are only three steps to make your stunning collage: add photo, set parameters and generate collage preview, save collage as image format, such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, TGA, GIF etc. No matter the green hand or the old hand with image processing software, CollageIt will help you make a gorgeous collage by few clicks and within few seconds.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Editors
CollageIt is an easy-to-use and automatic collage maker, which makes photo collage automatically. There are only three steps to make your stunning collage: add photo, set parameters and generate collage preview, save collage as image format, such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, TGA, GIF etc. No matter the green hand or the old hand with image processing software, CollageIt will help you make a gorgeous collage by few clicks and within few seconds.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Editors
CollageIt for Mac is an easy-to-use and automatic collage maker, which makes photo collage automatically. There are only three steps to make your stunning collage: add photo, set parameters and generate collage preview, save collage as image format. In a matter of seconds, it will turn any ordinary set of photos into an impressive array of collages.
MAC | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Editors
CollageIt for Mac is an easy-to-use and automatic collage maker, which makes photo collage automatically. There are only three steps to make your stunning collage: add photo, set parameters and generate collage preview, save collage as image format. In a matter of seconds, it will turn any ordinary set of photos into an impressive array of collages.
MAC | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Recupero dei dati software permettono agli utenti di recuperare semplicemente tutti i file e cartelle importanti persi a causa di errori umani, corruzione dei file, formattare hard disk o USB di memorizzazione dispositivo multimediale, il software si è schiantato, mancanza di corrente, arresto di sistema improvviso, la corruzione del virus, la linea di comando e la cancellazione a causa di molte altre ragioni.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
DDR profissional aplicativo de recuperacao de dados recupera arquivos de texto rapidamente perdidas, imagens, arquivos de apresentacoes, audio e video musicas e documentos semelhantes salvos no drive USB de midia de armazenamento. Restaurar arquivos apagados de forma eficiente utilitario restaura todos os documentos perdidos preciosos ate mesmo excluidos de PC pasta lixeira ou usando shift + apagar as teclas.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
DDR herramienta profesional de recuperación de datos facilita a los usuarios con características impresionantes para salvar fácilmente perdidas archivos de texto, imágenes, archivos de presentaciones y otros documentos similares guardados en el disco duro o unidad de almacenamiento USB. Recuperar archivos borrados de utilidad le permiten renueva todos los documentos perdidos preciosos de máquinas PC / portátiles / de escritorio.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
Aplicación de recuperación de datos ofrece características sofisticadas para los usuarios restaurar archivos borrados de manera eficiente toda la valiosa aún "no reconoce la unidad" mensaje de error aparece en la pantalla del sistema informático. Programa recuperar archivos borrados le permiten recuperar datos importantes perdidos debido a un error humano, error de la partición, la falta de energía y otras razones.
Windows | Shareware
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