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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
img Auto Follow Up is an Outlook add-in designed to help you stay in touch with your contacts by automatically sending them follow up email messages if they don't reply to your email in a timely manner. Auto Follow Up saves you from the time consumming task of checking a crowded mailbox to see if you received a reply on a given email and emailing your contact to nofity him that you did not receive a reply.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Vertical Market Apps
img EQMS lite is free sales CRM software to automate and simplify your sales process.Generally businesses starts off with managing leads/enquiries in excel.Managing leads in excel has it own limitations, it is time consuming process to organize & collate data. With EQMS Lite you can streamline your sales process by easily managing leads, follow-ups & Closure.Moreover the data is stored on your local machine, hence it is faster & easier to access.
Windows | Freeware
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