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Search: code93


Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Barcode label maker and image builder software create barcode ribbons, sticker and asset tag in sequential or random order of all upper or lower case of alphabet, number keys or special character of keyboard using code 11, 39, 93, 128 (SET A, B, C), interleaved 2of5, Planet, Postnet, Msi Plessey, Codabar font file. Barcode inventory tool allow user to change look and feel (size, background color, style, alignment) of produced barcode string.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Barcode symbol creator software is easy and convenient solution to generate sequentially or randomly barcode pictures in different barcode font style like Code11, Code 39, Code 93, Code128, MSI Plessey, Codabar and Interleaved 2 of 5 for all types of Inventory and business application. Barcode generator system creates barcode sticker, ribbons, labels of all alphabets (including upper and lower case), number keys and special keys of keyboard.
Windows | Shareware
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