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Desktop :: Clocks & Alarms
img This application puts an automatically updating Days Counter in a button on your Windows taskbar. How Many Days can show elapsed and pending days equally welll. The counter button will stay in your taskbar as long as you want it to If you leave your computer on over night, or on for several days at a time, the How Many Days counter will update with each new day's adjusted count. Set It and Forget It.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Presentation Tools
img MyScreen is software that lets you use your computer screen as an interactive presentation, teaching, and learning tool. With a click of your mouse or the press of a shortcut key, you can capture your screen and begin adding comments and annotations. MyScreen's screen capture and image customizing effects are a welcome addition to your computer use even if you don't do onscreen presentations.
Windows | Shareware
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