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Home & Hobby :: Other
img Makes it a snap to organize and manage household chores. It remembers any number of chores and keeps track of when each of them was last done. Chores can repeat in days, weeks, months, or years. You can assign chores to specific people, or rotate them between two or more people. The program prints a checklist of only the chores that need doing. You can print either a single list, or individual lists for each person. It's easy to set up and use!
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Password Managers
img Automatically logs on to multiple web sites simultaneously with a click of a button. All you need to remember is the master password to log on to Logon Automator. It will remember all your user names and passwords, and log on for you. Encrypts your passwords using US-Government-approved Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption algorithm so that no one will be able to view your passwords without your permission.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Accounting & Finance
img Medewerkers van professionele software change management is de beste manier om een aantal medewerkers van de organisatie op te slaan op een plaats, waaronder de handhaving van dagelijkse aanwezigheid details vindt u op / training details, details kunnen (afhankelijk van de status van de patiënten gerandomiseerd en huwelijk ) en andere payroll.
Windows | Shareware
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Graphic Apps :: Converters & Optimizers
img Low.3D Studio is designed specially for game developers, architects, and 3D designers. With this software in place, they get a pain-free way to reduce polygons and optimize 3D models, and presentations before publishing them on Web. Supports Wavefront .OBJ and StereoLitho (.STL) file formats.
Windows | Demo
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Business :: Accounting & Finance
img Medarbejdere skift management software opretholde registrering af flere ansatte i organisationen på ét sted, der omfatter daglige fremmøde, i gennemtænkte detaljer, tur / træning detaljer, blade detaljer og andre lønningslisten detaljer. Pålidelig medarbejder planlægning hjælpeprogram er nem at installere og hurtigt værktøj, der gør manuel indtastning processen for at fastholde medarbejdere planlægning detaljer.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Corporate edition barcode maker software offers customizable print settings for printing barcode labels according to your specific needs. Customize your barcode labels using various drawing tools like rectangles, triangles, ellipses, and barcodes to meet your specific need. Corporate Edition is software that allows creation of multiple barcode labels with varying barcode values, text, and images through batch processing series generating feature.
MAC | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Mac Barcode Maker utility offers best designing and printing features to create eye catching and colorful barcode labels in less time and affords. Any category of user can produce nice looking business barcode tags and stickers without requiring any professional experience. Software provides facility to create effective barcode labels with advanced font, color and image settings. Users can also save created barcode images in PC for future use.
MAC | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img Freeware Mac Barcodes empowers you to craft unique product label, asset tags and book stickers in different shape by enabling image designing objects including ellipse, circle, pen, line, arc and rounded rectangle etc. Label maker utility easily saves intended barcode images in desktop having multiple file extension as per your desire. Mac Barcodes program creates colorful, attractive, professional and nice looking images for various industries.
MAC | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
img Trustworthy Mac deleted files software restores fully corrupted photographs and memorable picture albums in just few clicks of mouse button. Apple Mac operating system based deleted files recovery utility upholds integrated advanced hard disk drive scanning mechanism to search-out and restore extremely misplaced crucial records. Elegant deleted files program for Macintosh OS X salvages entirely ruined snapshots by using straightforward schemes.
MAC | Shareware
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Communications :: Chat & Instant Messaging
img Software offers a user-friendly interface for creating SMS messages, allowing content customization, including adding recipient information. Bulk SMS software provides scheduling option which user can allow you to set specific dates and times for message delivery. Application provide facility to manage contact list and user can import data from various source such as CVS file or address book and organize them different group or categories.
MAC | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
img Website URL www.recoverdata.in recommends highly reliable Mac Removable Media Recovery application to restore accidentally deleted data after consequent incidents of accidentally formatted files, improper device handling, human mistakes, formatted or reformatted memory cards, bad sector in memory drives, hardware/software malfunctioning etc on system.
MAC | Shareware
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