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Communications :: Dial Up & Connection Tools
img Rascal enhances your dial-up session management and keeps your connection alive by simulating network activity and restoring the connection if it is lost. Rascal also tracks your online time and costs. Try our RascalPro product for a more advanced feature set, or Rasputin for a bare bones connection keeper.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Dial Up & Connection Tools
img RascalPro enhances your dial-up session management and keeps your connection alive by simulating network activity and restoring the connection if it is lost. Other features include session scheduling, batch processing, file logging, and time and cost tracking. Try our Rascal product for a simpler feature set.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Network Monitoring
img Use Servers Alive to automatically monitor critical server functions and processes even when your data center is closed. Comprehensive reporting and notification features alert you via SMTP mail, cell phone messaging, Paging, Twitter, Slack, Pop-Up message, or NotePager. Easily create scripted response scenarioes to reboot, shut down, execute another program, or take any other emergency response action. Try free Windows version today.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: Shell Tools
img UpTime is a small free utility that shows you how long Windows has been running. It displays the number of years, months, weeks, days and minutes since your last boot. For example, if your computer has been running for around 5 days Uptime would display 5 Days, 19 Hours, 42 Minutes, 16 Seconds. Extremely accurate to the second, UpTime is a utility you need to keep around.
Windows | Freeware
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