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Network & Internet :: Timers & Time Synch
img TimeSync is a program to adjust the system time of your Computer. It gets the correct present time from the Internet. TimeSync allows automatic adjustment of your clock every few days with virtually no consummation of resources. Windows NT and 2000 has the capability to adjust the clock speed via a software setting. TimeSync allows to adjust this clock speed correction. It takes the necessary information from your last four clock adjustments.
Windows | Freeware
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Graphic Apps :: Editors
img STEREOSCOPIC EDITING SOFTWARE. 3DCombine allows you to create and edit 3D photos and videos. It supports a wide range of file and viewing formats and allows batch conversion between them. Advanced depth tools allow the creation of 3D content from both 2D photos and 2D videos. This can be done fully automatically or enhanced with user created depthmaps. FREE DOWNLOAD
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