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Education :: Dictionaries
img MLD - Multi Language Dictionary 2.0: 8 source Languages (56 Dictionaries), 8 Thesauruses and 8 Conjugation. A "must have" for all language -oriented people. Source languages English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese/Brazilian, Dutch and Swedish. Thesaurus and complete conjugation of verbs for German, English, Portuguese/Brazilian, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Swedish.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Languages
img Flashcards is an easy to use vocabulary trainer. It works with the flashcards method with 5 boxes and it saves a statistic for each word. You can also categorize your words.
Windows Linux | Freeware
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Business :: Databases & Tools
img Dictionary Dataprocessing English French in Excel or Access - format for commercial or private use. Database with 29882 entries/translations covering the widespread field of dataprocessing. . Integrate it into your application, website, search engine. For Universities, translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , companies with own applications, scientific departments
Windows MAC Linux | Data Only
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Education :: Languages
img This program will help you translate texts from virtually any language. Just select an unknown word in your text, press Ctrl+Ins+Ins and you will see the translation, press Ins and this word is marked for studying. Set the test-yourself time and the program will from time to time keep asking you to translate new words you want to learn. Are you tired? There is a way out for you: play a new words slideshow and cramming will become an exiting game.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img Encyclopedic talking dictionary and thesaurus. Uses built in speech or existing screen reader. Contains 250,000 word entries and is browsable. Database includes place names, historical figures, slang and jargon. Updated with over 8500 new words. Can be used with other programs or as a standalone program. CD version supplied with 4 free useful and fun talking products. Now at half price for a very limited time!
Windows | Shareware
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Security & Privacy :: Password Managers
img Fulfilling all your random needs: Artificial intelligence password and number generator. Truly Random uses high quality pseudo random generator, true random numbers from sound card and/or random user events via keyboard/mouse. The mask feature letts you configure your random strings or numbers very precisely. You may generate lotto numbers, automatically remove duplicate random strings or numbers, save to file, generate pronounceable passwords.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Dictionaries
img Free Medical Dictionary is a searchable glossary of medical terms from almost all specialties and fields of medicine, including general medical, pharmaceuticals, healthcare equipment, health conditions, medical devices, and medical abbreviations. Some features include a built-in medical spell checker, free updates and easy installation. Free Medical Dictionary for doctors, researchers, medical students, medical transcription and nursing students
Windows | Freeware
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img Alchera is a feature rich journaling package that also helps to get the most of your dreams. It is designed to make working with dream series easy, because dream series tell more than single dreams. Concerning individual dreams Alchera comes with exercises for exploring the meaning of a dream. There is a symbol dictionary, that has suggested questions to help finding the personal significance of symbols. An introduction to dreaming is included.
Windows | Shareware
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Desktop :: Clocks & Alarms
img Animated weather radar & satellite, local temperature in tray, local weather, internet clock sync, sun and moon rise and set times, animated moon phases, planet positions in the sky, eclipses, equinox/solstice, meteors, month calendar with moon phase icons, full year calendar, 27 holidays, map, aerial photo, topographic map, start & end daylight savings, dictionary, thesaurus, calculator, unique graph of sunrise and set times for entire year.
Windows | Shareware
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