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Business :: Office Suites & Tools
img With VeryUtils PDF Hyperlinks Maker Command Line software, you can turn every occurrence of a particular word or phrase into an active hyperlink. For example, you could make all occurrences of your company name in your document link through to your company web site. The Auto Keyword Link tool gives you the choice of going through each occurrence and approving them one at a time, or you can just convert all occurrences automatically in the one go.
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Source Editors
img Automatically reformat other's code in your own style with just a point and click! Polystyle also has a java obfuscator, PHP obfuscator, Actionscript obfuscator and JSP obfuscator. Polystyle reformats HTML, C/C++, PHP, Javascript, CSS, C#, Java, Perl, JSP, Python, Delphi, Visual Basic, ASP, Actionscript and XML. Use the Graphical Styler to define your style using simple mouse clicks alone. Download your free trial today! Visit www.polystyle.com
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Source Editors
img EditPlus is a text editor, HTML editor, PHP editor and Java editor for Windows. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers. Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python and Ruby on Rails. Seamless Web browser for previewing HTML pages, and FTP commands for uploading local files to FTP server.
Windows | Shareware
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Web Development :: HTML Tools
img The CodeLobster is a handy and easy-in-use editor which is intended for redacting code. It supports such file formats as TXT, CPP, JAVA, JSP, PHP, PL, ASP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JS, VBS, SQL, AS, Python, Ruby. Also this general purpose application allows user to convert HTML files into JSP, PHP, PL, ASP ones and vice versa - JSP, PHP, PL, ASP files into HTML ones. Four built-in ad hoc toolbars make usage of CodeLobster yet more comfortable.
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Source Editors
img HippoEDIT is professional Windows Text Editor for programmers and advanced users that speed ups text typing and source code analyzing by using smart and sophisticated features, that helping you be more productive and creative. It is lightweight, fast and highly customizable. It can be kept minimalistic as notepad, or be extended with plugins, syntax schemas, tools etc. to full featured IDE for desired programming language.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Other
img AWBot - An easy to use Perl tool to test a web site (GPL)
Windows MAC Linux | Freeware
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Business :: Office Suites & Tools
img PDF Annotator SDK for .NET is a professional .NET PDF solution that provides complete and advanced PDF document annotation features. With simple integration, it can be used to enhance your .NET PDF document annotation function. PDF Annotator SDK for .NET is used to markup and draw various objects onto a PDF document. This is very effective for PDF and office document worflow systems, medical recording systems, database systems and other systems.
Windows | Shareware
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Development :: Components & Libraries
img FlyCharts is a set of Macromedia Flash files that gives you outstanding possibility to visualize your data. Using FlyCharts you can create compact, interactive, good-looking charts in a minute. FlyCharts doesn't need any installation, works with any scripting language and any browser, is scalable & flexible, size of output files is really small. Using FlyCharts is really simple - just upload swf files to your server and configure it using XML.
Windows MAC Linux | Shareware
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Development :: Source Editors
img A powerful text and source code editor with support for over 20 languages including HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, XML, C, C++, Shell Script, and many more. Includes many tools to help users write code quickly and easily such as syntax highlighting, code builders and sidekicks, function lookup, code and tag completion, regular expression search and replace, bracket and tag matching, validators, file compare, and more
Windows | Shareware
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