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System Utilities :: Clipboard Tools
img This program adds a new command 'Copy Path to Clipboard' into the context menu for files, folders and drives. Pasting the complete filename or foldername is just a mouse click away. You get always the full path. If you hold down CTRL a network path will be converted to UNC path. The official product page: http://stefan.bertels.org/en/clipboardpath
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System Utilities :: Shell Tools
img SOCKShell enhances Windows Explorer context menu (displayed when you right click on an item) by adding new predefined options and allowing you to add any number of your own options, both to the main context menu and to the SOCKShell submenu. Predefined options include Analyse Pascal source code, Explore in a new window, Copy the full path, Edit with Wordpad, Edit with Notepad, Open a Command Prompt, Set file attributes, Set file date and time.
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System Utilities :: File & Disk Management
img SizeExplorer Lite is a powerful disk space usage analyzer. It provides you with a complete set of tools to help you manage your disk space easily. Features include folder size, graphical charts, file distribution statistics and reports, search and filter, biggest files, file management, printing of file listing, compress into ZIP file, exports to Excel, html, xml and text files, etc.
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Network & Internet :: Browser Tools
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Development :: Delphi
img CodeHealer is an efficient, powerful and easy to use program source code analysis and verification tool that will help find and fix a significant number of programming bugs, mistakes and inconsistencies in programs before they are released. The information provided by CodeHealer will also help developers understand and improve existing code that they have not written, such as legacy applications that they have to maintain.
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