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Downloading Quiz Script Creator 1.02

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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img Scripture Scholar is an in-depth Bible question and answer game, containing over 3600 questions gathered from the Old and New Testaments. Interesting facts are presented as questions in a quiz-like environment, and users are prompted for the correct answers. Rather than simply reading specific lesson materials, this program allows you to learn a variety of Bible facts through a series of thought provoking questions.
Windows | Shareware
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Games & Entertainment :: Other
img The purpose of the program is very simple; It is to help a Quiz Master to handle lots of questions (in a database) and to make it as easy as possible to make selections from those questions to form a good Quiz show.The first part is to Edit Questions and the second part is called to Build a Quiz. The program will help you to keep track of the questions previously used, so questions are not re-used to soon or to often when building a Quiz
Windows | Freeware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img Create A Quiz is a "computer assisted learning" software program that allows teachers, educators, parents and businesses to easily generate their own on-screen interactive quizzes, exams, surveys and questionnaires.  Create A Quiz supports multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank style tests.  The quizzes and tests that you create can also be printed out for conventional paper and pencil tests.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Other
img Scripture Challenge is an in-depth Bible question and answer game, containing over 3600 questions gathered from the Old and New Testaments. Interesting facts are presented as questions in a quiz-like environment, and users are prompted for the correct answers. Rather than simply reading specific lesson materials, this program allows you to learn a variety of Bible facts through a series of thought provoking questions.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img Create a Flash-Based Quiz from PowerPoint in two steps. PowerQuizPoint easily create interactive Macromedia Flash Quizzes from within PowerPoint. PowerQuizPoint is a convergence of power features in PowerPoint and Macromedia Flash. Flash Quizzes created with PowerQuizPoint is web ready and can be uploaded to our online PowerPoint and e-Learning sharing portal SlideServe.com.
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img The Fast Quiz SCAN is a OMR program for creating, scanning and graduation closed type exercises.Create exercises true-false, matching, multiple choices, and word completion.Create two different types photo quiz.Save your students and your classes.Outputs the exercises of all types to word files.It scores scanned tests and stores their images.Perform examinations and save the results.Recall and manage the results of your students.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img The Fast Quiz SCAN is a OMR program for creating, scanning and graduation closed type exercises.Create exercises true-false, matching, multiple choices, and word completion.Create two different types photo quiz.Save your students and your classes.Outputs the exercises of all types to word files.It scores scanned tests and stores their images.Perform examinations and save the results.Recall and manage the results of your students.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img The Advanced eLearning Builder authoring tool is designed for creating e-learning materials such as e-tests, tutorials, quizzes, etc. The created test can be compiled to EXE form. The system enables the creation of e-tests, just with several mouse clicks, which contain several types of exercises. By planning exercises in visual mode, exercises can be designed, corrected, examined, complemented, and updated in a simple and survivable way.
Windows | Shareware
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