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Communications :: E-Mail Clients
GeniusConnect will synchronize mail folders with any relational database that supports ODBC (MS Access, mySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle etc.). You can use your own table structure and define conversions for columns with data type's that are not compatible with an Outlook field.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
Free report on duplicate Outlook items shows how many duplicates contained in the selected Microsoft Outlook folders. The report shows the presence of duplicates in each of the selected folders or across all selected MS Outlook folders. The priority of Outlook folders can be specified. The report is created for all duplicated items of MS Outlook, such as contacts, messages, tasks, notes, calendar items and journal entries.
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
This free utility puts the saved attachment files back, in place of links, created by the "Replace Outlook Attachments with Links" utility in email messages, appointments and meetings, contacts, and other Outlook items. It allows you to restore Outlook attachments securely from links. For example, you need to forward or redirect the message containing the attachment replaced with link.
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Business :: Office Suites & Tools
Financial accounting software tool help vendor to track record of their daily expenses. It divided account into groups by which user can easily find day by day profit or loss in an elaborate way. Vendor can create its own currency by declaring name, symbol, abbreviation, Sub currency and decimal place. User can easily find sales data of any date stored in a record and can create backup in form of PDF and Excel file formats.
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
Barcodes are put on to the books and magazines in a library to track, access, identify and manage them accordingly. Journalist and Publisher Barcode Creator Program contain an inbuilt email feature to send generated barcode to the specific address. Software facilitates us with some advance settings, tools and features to create customised barcodes. Publishing Barcode Generating Tool holds some settings like General, Colour, and Barcode, etc.
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Business :: PIMS & Calendars
AllMyNotes Organizer - a wonderful random information manger! Collect every bit of your data securely hidden from other people. Thanks to this PIM software keeping ideas, notes, memories and storing diaries is a true joy - themes, alarms, quick data storage engine! The developer did whatever possible to make you feel joy from what you are doing in it :)
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Business :: Accounting & Finance
Inventory control utility examines financial condition of organization and allows user to take economic decision for business. Billing management software generates reports on sale-purchase transaction of goods sold, brought. Business account management utility provides detail tax information including tax type, taxation type and transaction. Advanced accounting utility provides backup and restoration facility of all business data.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Accounting & Finance
Accounting Software provides easy or simple solution to prepare billing details, balance sheets, trial balance, bookkeeping reports and ledger or journal reports etc. financial managing software provides facility to optimize data entry redundancy or errors as well as to manage customer profile report, transactions, stock, purchase reports, general ledgers, income reports, transport expenses, invoice and inventory information in minimum price.
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
This free tool merges multiple Outlook folders: select one or more source folders, specify the destination folder, and then run the utility. You can save the subfolder structure, move data from source folders instead of copying, ignore existing duplicates, and select Outlook items in the specified date range. In addition, the utility can create selected folders in the destination folder or simply merge their contents.
Windows | Freeware
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