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Downloading Living Scenes Jigsaw Puzzles 2.3

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img Get ready for the ULTIMATE in computer jigsaw games, the award-winning Jigsaw Mania! From within the game itself, get over 600 full quality jigsaws, providing virtually endless entertainment. The editor also gives you the ability to create your own free-standing jigsaws that you can email to friends. This is a must have for jigsaw puzzle fans and fanatics.
Windows | Shareware
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Games & Entertainment :: Puzzle & Word Games
img A puzzle a day keeps the boredom away! How about a fresh and delightful jigsaw puzzle delivered to you every day? How about browsing a Treasury of eye-catching puzzles and getting ones you like to play with just a mouse click? How about turning your family photos and travel pics into beautiful jigsaws and sharing it with friends? Well, how about a free game with all these features? It's Everyday Jigsaw, your personal jigsaw puzzle extravaganza.
Windows | Freeware
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