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img RunAs Professional is a substitute for Microsoft's command runas. RunAs Professional solves the problem that normal runas does not support the commandline parameter password. RunAs Professional has a lot of more options and features: You culd build crypted files. Only doublecklick on such a file and a choosen application will run with admin-rights.
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img BellWiz is an innovative scheduling program which plays audio files for a public address system through a PC. The program is ideally created for playing school bells, fire drill sounds, and factory shift change sounds. BellWiz features an extremely flexible scheduler which allows for a wide range of scheduling including daily, weekly, and monthly scheduling. BellWiz features the ability to play both .wav and .mp3 audio files.
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img The com component will quickly tell you how many pages are in a pdf file without the need for acrobat, ideal for web sites that serve pdf content. Example .asp, vb, .asp net, cold fusion, php & vc++ code included simple ASP example of usage:- Set Obj = Server.CreateObject("PDFPAGECOUNT.PDFPages.1") dim pages pages = Obj.GetPages("C:\yourpdf.pdf" )
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img DJ-Serv: the budget solution to play non-stop music! Suitable for parties at home, mobile djs, and internet radio stations on a tight budget. Advanced database means you can catalog and search all audio on your computer. Supports mp3, wav, ogg and many more common audio formats. Advanced users: Use the integrated scheduler to create playlists based on rotations for radio automation purposes. Or, simply drag and drop to make your own play lists in
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img Magellan Explorer makes it easy to manage your files. Use the built-in high-speed FTP client, work directly with popular archive formats including ZIP, RAR, ACE and UNIX formats, and view pictures. All within a single, easy-to-use, attractive package. Whether you prefer the dual window layout of Norton Commander or are more familiar with Windows Explorer, you will feel right at home as Magellan Explorer can be customized to fit your needs.
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img CalcArith is a trainer for the basic arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (5 languages) The question appears on the right side and goes slowly to the top. On the left side you see 7 possible answers. Click the correct one. If you click the wrong answer, the correct answer appears at the button of the right side. If you don't click until the question reachs the top, it is like you answer this question wrong
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img SweetMollyGrace is a suite of freeware tools for automating work of rendering and animating molecules. Imports molecules in PDB, MOL XYZ format (Babel) Generates high quality images of molecules using raytracing tools (Povray and Raster3D). Makes 4 kinds of animation (only rotation around axes) using frames generated by Povray, Raster3D, Rasmol and Qmol. Saves animation in AVI, MPEG, GIF, MOV and FLIC. Generates and views 3D files
Windows | Freeware
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img Easily create relational database solutions online, requires no programming or SQL knowledge. Provides the admin a point-and-click path through: building tables, designing search pages managing records, configure shopping cart and defining member accounts. Import data and upload images or documents through the browser. Creates complex JOIN queries automatically. Customized reports can be generated using any HTML editor.
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