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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
img The software abylon UAC-GRABBER extends the security concept introduced in Windows Vista, called ?User Account Control (UAC)?. The program enables the administrative start of trusted applications without prompting the confirmation dialog box each time. In order for this the UAC security dialog will show only, if programs are executed without the knowledge of the user. An alternative start menu is available for Windows 8.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Presentation Tools
img AutoRun Pro Enterprise is a complete rapid application development (RAD) tool to create interactive multimedia applications, attractive and professional autorun CD menus and publish your presentations, documents, files and software on portable media such as CDs, DVDs and USB sticks.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Multimedia Creation Tools
img Make autorun CD or DVD to start documents or display a menu without design or programming required! Just specify your documents in this easy step-by-step wizard, the rest is done automatically! Your autorun cd will ensure that your users can read your documents by auto-installing the required software or getting users to install it. Your menus will automatically adapt its look to user's operating system and font settings. Try this program now!
Windows | Shareware
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Web Development :: Java & JavaScript
img Enhanchance your website with Deluxe JavaScript Menu! Deluxe Tuner is a professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior DHTML navigation systems for their web sites. 60+ great visual effects, floating, drag-n-drop, scrolling, flat, 3d, XP, Vista menu styles, animated icons and arrows, unlimited submenus and more. Create a cross-browser, search engine friendly, fast-loading web interface of any desired complexity and appearance.
Windows MAC Linux | Freeware
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img Create cool and exciting java projects in seconds with the amazing Advanced Applet Suite!, (C) Wyka-Warzecha Enterprises! It has an EASY to use GUI interface, plus, you can use it for free! With it, you can: Use the easy GUI interface to create Scratch and Win Games Vertical and Horizontal Java Menus Professional Image FX/Banner FX Crossword Games with sounds, cool FX Streaming Audio for your website Professional ANIMATED 3D PieCha
Windows | Freeware
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img ABCMenuMan is an exciting new java menu that is faster than animated GIFs with more than a few menu items, easier for you to use than defining mouseover states, plus adds impressive mouseover effects for your website, and extremely flexible for the classy special effects you want! Thousands of websites are already using our software, and have received awards from publications such as PCMagazine/ZDNet, Internet.Com, About.Com, and many more.
Windows | Freeware
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img ABCMenuMan is an exciting new java menu that is faster than animated GIFs with more than a few menu items, easier for you to use than defining mouseover states, plus adds impressive mouseover effects for your website, and extremely flexible for the classy special effects you want! Thousands of websites are already using our software, and have received awards from publications such as PCMagazine/ZDNet, Internet.Com, About.Com, and many more
Windows | Shareware
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--- NAVABC JAVAMENU --- 83.2

Web Development :: HTML Tools
img NavABC! is an exciting new java applet menu that allows you to easily add amazing fast loading menu effects to your website, and makes web design easy! When you have more than a few animated GIF menu items, this loads much FASTER than animated GIFs! The full version does not pause for 3 seconds, nor does it list our website in the status bar or while loading. Plus, you can have automatic special loading effects, you specify a background loading c
Windows MAC Linux | Freeware
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Development :: Management & Distribution
img 4 Menu Basic allows you to create an autoplay / autorun CD where you can put any kind of file. The user simply inserts the CD, then a menu window will be shown with simple buttons: a click on one of the button starts your file. No configuration, no hassle. You simply create a "data" directory, then you save files there. Free - up to 4 buttons, several simple customizations available within the regular edition.
Windows | Freeware
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