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Education :: Science
img ChemDBsoft is chemical database software for management of databases of any size. Includes: free structure drawer, simple data views, searches by structure and substructure, multiple database searches, SDF import/export, duplicate removal, database comparison, chemical web server. Calculation and prediction: QSAR properties, LogP, LogC, solubility, diversity and similarity; HTS and combinatorial chemistry; MASS/NMR/IR spectra management.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Science
img Electric Eddy educational science board game. Move around the circuit to learn about the components and how much energy they use. Answer the questions correctly and use the most efficient components to save energy and win the game. Based around the KU KS3 and KS3 National Curriculum for science.
Windows | Freeware
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Education :: Science
img www.dnabaser.com This tool will show the proportions between nucleotides in a DNA sequence. You don't need to install it or unpack it. Just download the program and double click to run it. Other software: DNA Baser is an affordable alternative for assembly of DNA sequences and generation of contigs. File formats supported are abi, scf and seq (or FASTA). Chromatograms of the assembled sequences are displayed in a synchronized format with the generated contig.
Windows MAC Linux | Freeware
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Education :: Science
img NTv2Tools Geosoftware provides tools for developing and processing of NTv2 files in binary and ASCII formats. With the included tools NTv2 files can be analyzed and graphically or textual displayed, they can be converted to other file formats and areas of them can be extracted to new NTv2 files.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Science
img The PWM Generator can generate Pulse Width Modulation signals in real time.You can save 4 memory presets and the software supports multiple sound cards.
Windows | Shareware
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Education :: Science
img Add-in for MS Word which makes easier the work with chemical and mathematical formulas and with chemical equations. Figures specifying the number of atoms in chemical formula are automatically made subscripts, and atom's oxidation figures and ion charges - superscripts. It is possible to insert arrows with frequent reaction conditions or to form your own ones, it also possible to add additional information ((s), (l), (g)) which can be edited.
Windows | Freeware
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PHYSICS 101 SE 7.5.2

Education :: Science
img The perfect solution for physics students and teachers everywhere, Physics 101 SE is the premier physics calculation tool, allowing you to focus on physics and not mathematical busywork by working with over 150+ equations and other features such as: 150 Physics Equations, organized in twenty three sections, Free Body Diagram Simulator, Projectile Simulator, Circuit Simulator, Unit Converter, and much, much more
Windows | Demo
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Education :: Science
img This software, where the primary application has been in combustion processes, is used to automatically generate complete viable oxidative hydrocarbon mechanisms in a form that can be readily used in numeric simulations. The key to the generation process is the extensive set of, user modifiable, reaction classes, generic descriptions of a reactive process. Within the database are about a thousand classes already defined.
Windows Linux | Freeware
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Education :: Science
img CYTSoft Psychrometric Calculator provides engineers and scientists with highly accurate thermodynamic properties of moist air. It calculates 41 properties completely based on ASHRAE's Hyland-Wexler Formulations, which treat dry air, water vapor and moist air as real gases, rather than ideal gases.
Windows | Shareware
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