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Network & Internet :: File Sharing/Peer to Peer
img With XfileSharing Pro it becomes very easy to run your own file upload site like Rapidshare or MegaUpload. XFileSharing Professional script is an advanced solution for creating professional file sharing services. It can be installed on any virtual/shared or dedicated hosting running Perl, Apache and mySQL.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Accounting & Finance
img Create high quality debt management plans for your clients in less than 5 minutes. Debt Manager Professional gives you the most powerful toolset available for developing rapid debt repayment plans. Your clients will just love these custom reports. The Personal Financial Profile combines debt management & wealth building on the same page delivering a powerful message. Download a copy and see for yourself how valuable this tool really is.
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Communications :: Chat & Instant Messaging
img SMS Software resolves issue of group messaging to all mobile networks in cost effective and efficient manner. Group text messaging software is capable of sending mass sms anywhere in no time. Time saving Bulk SMS program facilitates companies for promoting all of their market products easily as it is capable of generating rapid response via text messaging. Mass messaging tool helps in circulating news alerts to all mobile networks worldwide.
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System Utilities :: Other
img Rapid TIFF Page Count will show you how many pages are in many TIFF's and generate reports for you with a few mouse clicks. Features include: count file size, pages & number of files, directory scanner for bulk files, file drag and drop support, save,load & append lists, continue counting from previous session, reporting options for text and csv files, sorting options, add and delete files or disable from use + much more!
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System Utilities :: Backup & Restore
img Aplicación de recuperación de datos ofrece características sofisticadas para los usuarios restaurar archivos borrados de manera eficiente toda la valiosa aún "no reconoce la unidad" mensaje de error aparece en la pantalla del sistema informático. Programa recuperar archivos borrados le permiten recuperar datos importantes perdidos debido a un error humano, error de la partición, la falta de energía y otras razones.
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Business :: Other
img Rapid PDF Count will show you how many pages are in many pdf's and generate reports for you with a few mouse clicks. Unicode file and reporting support, pdf portfolio file support - automatically extracts files from the pdf portfolio and counts the single pdf's, Zip archive support, Rar archive support, 7z archive support, count words in a pdf, count file size, pages & number of files, count words per page, count characters per page, no text page
Windows | Shareware
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
img Finally the solution to Email Overload! Cruise Control, Rapid Email Response Software, the fastest tool available for creating personal replies to your overflowing Inbox of messages. Every message you send will be better written and more detailed than if you typed it yourself, because Cruise Control can automatically formulate a response based on your reply to similar messages in the past.
Windows | Shareware
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