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Downloading Tams11 Backgammon

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Games & Entertainment :: Board
img This pro backgammon version is designed for skilled players. It has many playing options, an intuitive and easy to use interface, including a game position editor. New 2D and 3D design for game boards, game or match play, statistical information, save/load for games, doubling cube, new checker styles and rating support for twenty users are a few key features. Play it and you can find out your real rating and have more fun.
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Games & Entertainment :: Board
img This version has a new 3D design, more strength, many playing options and an intuitive interface! Three different levels, from beginner to advanced, can extend your fun and improve your skills! Game or match play, statistical information, save/load a game, doubling cube, several checker styles and rating support for ten users are a few of our backgammon features.
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