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Communications :: Chat & Instant Messaging
img Vypress Chat is designed for office and home networks. It is fully self-configurable, works with TCP/IP network protocol, doesn't require a dedicated server and automatically maintains a list of online users in the network. Vypress Chat is a flexible, integrated solution expressly designed for fast, trouble-free installation and operation.
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img This LAN messenger allows you to exchange messages on a local network (LAN). The program does not require you to set aside a server to function properly. It is easily configurable and you will be ready to work immediately after the product's installation. The messenger features full support for Winpopup and netsend.
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img Fomine NetSend is a package that contains two utility tools. This first tool NetSend.exe is a console application with a parameter set similar to NET SEND (distributed with Microsoft Windows NT/2002/XP). But unlike NET SEND, this application works with all Windows versions. The second utility tool NetSendGUI.exe has a simple and user-friendly visual interface.
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img Fomine Observer is an alternative to the Windows Messenger Service (Windows NT/XP). Unlike the Messenger Service it has a convenient interface. You can also run Fomine Observer on Windows 98/ME. Fomine Observer can be used with WinPopup to perform one-way messaging. For example, this type of communication can be used by network administrators who would like to keep their users informed (while the users could not communicate with each other).
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Communications :: Chat & Instant Messaging
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