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Audio & Multimedia :: Music Composers
img AlgoRhythmia is a random MIDI drumbeat generator. It generates patterns up to 4 measures long in any of six time signatures and at virtually any BPM. It allows the user to mutate or regenerate any or all of the drum sounds in a pattern and includes the ability to play .wav samples. It includes a library of .wav samples and allows the user to edit the individual notes in a drum pattern. Patterns can be saved to disk or exported to a MIDI file.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Music Composers
img CheckBeat is a simple checkbox-programmable sample-based drum machine with a user-configurable resolution from one quarter note to one thirty-second note. The user can set the BPM (any) and pattern length (up to 16). It was written using SDL2_mixer.
Windows | Freeware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Audio Encoders/Decoders
img The Microncode Audio Converter is software for Windows desktop which allows you to convert ANY audio (and video) files to many types of audio files, such as: AAC, APE, MP2, MP3, Vorbis OGG, ACM WAV, PCM WAV and WMA.You can set the format of the destination audio file with a specific bitrate, sample rate, the bit depth and the number of channels (mono and stereo).
Windows | Freeware
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