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Downloading Guitar Tuner 1.03

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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img aGuitar Pro is the program for the player of the bass/guitar that wants to improve his musical skills in a short time.
  It has Ear training exercises, a tab viewer/player, a tab manager, scales/chords generators, backing tracks, and a lot more.
aGuitar Pro includes multiple tools a guitar player needs in a single program. You probably will need 3 or 4 guitar programs to have all the tools aGuitar Pro provides to you.
Windows | Shareware
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Audio & Multimedia :: Music Composers
img PitchPerfect is a highly accurate professional guitar tuner with a very simple to use interface. PitchPerfect eliminates the need to tune an instrument to some kind of conventional tuning. Instead, PitchPerfect can automatically detect whatever note you are playing.
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Audio & Multimedia :: Other
img Ever struggled to hear what is being played in your favourite song? Ever wondered what exactly is happening during that screaming guitar solo or big drum fill? Ever had to re-tune your instrument to practice one track that is tuned a semi-tone down? iRehearse is here to help! iRehearse is a software phrase trainer designed to help musicians learn, practice and transcribe tracks. Features looping, pitch shifting, tempo adjustment and audio EQ.
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Education :: Teaching & Training Tools
img Learn songs faster with Riff Trainer- slowdown, change key,loop repeat
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Audio & Multimedia :: Other
img The Chords & Scales is a windows software tool designed for musicians and guitarists who want to quickly gain knowledge about the guitar fretboard. Become a Master of Scales, Modes, Chords and Arpeggios with this fully interactive Chords & Scales software! Using any of its many features will really open your eyes to guitar fretboard and ears to music! This tool is made by musician for musicians!
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Audio & Multimedia :: Music Composers
img MagicScore Maestro 5 + WEB Publishing - professional music notation software with ability to publish "live" sheet music in Internet , offering the most advanced capabilities for working with music and provides you a possibility to imagine music piece as a whole by linking visual representation of the score in the Internet and its playback, and possibility to print the score immediately.
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Audio & Multimedia :: Other
img Phrase Trainer 2 has been cleverly designed to make every aspect of practice even faster and more fluid. Turn on/off different tools as you need them, instantly set loops and switch between them, and navigate with unparalleled speed and precision with Timeline Zoom and big waveform display. Phrase Trainer 2 even remembers all settings for you automatically so you can quit fiddling with the software and get on with the business of practice
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Audio & Multimedia :: Other
img Easily select from 0 to 7 beats, double and halve tempo, duplets,triplets,quadruplets etc... If you're uncertain of the numeric tempo of a song, simply press TAP button in time with the rhythm you hear, and the TAP function will set the tempo accordingly.There?s a Auto mode which is great for speed training, reference-tone function for tuning and other handy tools to make practicing fun and effective.
Windows | Shareware
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