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System Utilities :: Automation Tools
img Type less - save Your time! WriteYours expand keyboard strokes into frequently-used text.
Windows | Freeware
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Communications :: Other E-Mail Tools
img PostScope is a so-called virtual printer driver, which means: When printing any arbitrary document on PostScope, the output is not going to be a printed sheet of paper, but a PDF file, or PostScript file, respectively, which - upon request - can be sent directly by email. So PostScope is an PDF / PostScript converter, which, if desired, stamps the created documents with your own individual logo, in this way personalizing them.
Windows | Demo
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img netMailshar is an easy-to-use, multi-functional mail server that enables every computer in an office to send and receive email not only across the Internet but also within a LAN. It provides centralized, generic protection against all email viruses. Other features include scheduled mail sending and receiving, autodial and disconnection, support for multiple domains and unlimited pop3 accounts, email archiving, monitoring, filtering and much more.
Windows | Shareware
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Network & Internet :: Search/Lookup Tools
img Zoom Standard is a package for web developers to add a powerful custom search engine to their website, or CD/DVD, in a matter of minutes. No complicated server-side setup procedures, just index and upload from the convenience of your own Windows computer. Features include: "Google-like" context descriptions, logging and statistic reports, sort by date options, spelling suggestions, and more. Available for PHP, ASP, JavaScript or CGI platforms.
Windows Linux | Shareware
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Development :: Management & Distribution
img SetXML is a small command-line tool that allows you to easily create or update XML files from a Command window, a script, a batch file or the Task Scheduler, etc. The program was especially designed to update PAD files but it can update XML files for any other purpose. The program features its own XML description language and implements different file-related functions.
Windows | Shareware
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Business :: Inventory & Barcoding
img On-Tap PostScript for Windows lets you add bar codes to output from any application software that supports PostScript printers. On-Tap PS turns PostScript printers into bar code printers. With On-Tap PS you can print bar codes from your existing application in minutes. Simply place a special trigger character before and after the information you'd like to bar code. When you print, bar codes appear in place of the information that you have marked.
Windows | Demo
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Web Development :: Java & JavaScript
img Very fast AJAX datagrid and many high-quality javascript UI components make ActiveWidgets library one of the most popular commercial web development tools. ActiveWidgets javascript grid can work with very large datasets on the client-side without any loss of speed and supports complex visual layouts (fixed columns, multiple headers/footers) and full set of UI operations (sorting, resizing, editing).
Windows MAC Linux | Demo
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Web Development :: Java & JavaScript
img Enhance your website with Deluxe JavaScript Tree Menu! Deluxe Tree is a professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior DHTML navigation systems for their web sites. JavaScript API to change your menu "on-the-fly", animation effects, floating, drag-n-drop, scrolling, XP Style, animated icons and arrows, unlimited submenus and more. Create a cross-browser, fast-loading web interface of any desired complexity and appearance.
Windows | Shareware
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System Utilities :: File & Disk Management
img All the peculiarities are integrated in our SQL decryptor software so that users do not move anywhere else to decrypt their crucial SQL database containing all its elements. SQL script decrypt program is available for accessing that database which is encrypted with encryption code on the SQL elements which user wants to keep safe from unauthorized access.
Windows | Shareware
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